Rustam Aminov
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Cited by
A brief history of the antibiotic era: lessons learned and challenges for the future
RI Aminov
Frontiers in microbiology 1, 134, 2010
Occurrence and diversity of tetracycline resistance genes in lagoons and groundwater underlying two swine production facilities
JC Chee-Sanford, RI Aminov, IJ Krapac, N Garrigues-Jeanjean, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 67 (4), 1494-1502, 2001
Fate and transport of antibiotic residues and antibiotic resistance genes following land application of manure waste
JC Chee-Sanford, RI Mackie, S Koike, IG Krapac, YF Lin, AC Yannarell, ...
Journal of environmental quality 38 (3), 1086-1108, 2009
Diet-dependent shifts in the bacterial population of the rumen revealed with real-time PCR
K Tajima, RI Aminov, T Nagamine, H Matsui, M Nakamura, Y Benno
Applied and environmental microbiology 67 (6), 2766-2774, 2001
The role of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in nature
RI Aminov
Environmental microbiology 11 (12), 2970-2988, 2009
Molecular ecology of tetracycline resistance: development and validation of primers for detection of tetracycline resistance genes encoding ribosomal protection proteins
RI Aminov, N Garrigues-Jeanjean, RI Mackie
Applied and environmental microbiology 67 (1), 22-32, 2001
Evolution and ecology of antibiotic resistance genes
RI Aminov, RI Mackie
FEMS microbiology letters 271 (2), 147-161, 2007
Horizontal gene exchange in environmental microbiota
RI Aminov
Frontiers in microbiology 2, 158, 2011
Commensal gut bacteria: mechanisms of immune modulation
D Kelly, S Conway, R Aminov
Trends in immunology 26 (6), 326-333, 2005
Mechanisms of antibiotic resistance
J Lin, K Nishino, MC Roberts, M Tolmasky, RI Aminov, L Zhang
Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015
Rumen bacterial diversity as determined by sequence analysis of 16S rDNA libraries
K Tajima, RI Aminov, T Nagamine, K Ogata, M Nakamura, H Matsui, ...
FEMS Microbiology Ecology 29 (2), 159-169, 1999
Oligonucleotide probes that detect quantitatively significant groups of butyrate-producing bacteria in human feces
GL Hold, A Schwiertz, RI Aminov, M Blaut, HJ Flint
Applied and environmental microbiology 69 (7), 4320-4324, 2003
Predominant role of host genetics in controlling the composition of gut microbiota
ZA Khachatryan, ZA Ktsoyan, GP Manukyan, D Kelly, KA Ghazaryan, ...
PloS one 3 (8), e3064, 2008
Monitoring and source tracking of tetracycline resistance genes in lagoons and groundwater adjacent to swine production facilities over a 3-year period
S Koike, IG Krapac, HD Oliver, AC Yannarell, JC Chee-Sanford, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 73 (15), 4813-4823, 2007
History of antimicrobial drug discovery–Major classes and health impact
R Aminov
Biochemical Pharmacology 133, 4-19, 2017
Rumen bacterial community transition during adaptation to high-grain diet
YB Tajima, K., S. Arai, K. Ogata, T. Nagamine, H
Anaerobe 6, 273-284, 2000
Environmentally-acquired bacteria influence microbial diversity and natural innate immune responses at gut surfaces
IE Mulder, B Schmidt, CR Stokes, M Lewis, M Bailey, RI Aminov, ...
BMC biology 7, 1-20, 2009
Importance of microbial colonization of the gut in early life to the development of immunity
D Kelly, T King, R Aminov
Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 622 (1 …, 2007
Development, validation, and application of PCR primers for detection of tetracycline efflux genes of gram-negative bacteria
RI Aminov, JC Chee-Sanford, N Garrigues, B Teferedegne, IJ Krapac, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (4), 1786-1793, 2002
Analysis of the rumen bacterial diversity under two different diet conditions using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, random sequencing, and statistical ecology approaches
SA Kocherginskaya, RI Aminov, BA White
Anaerobe 7 (3), 119-134, 2001
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Articles 1–20