Mark Rickenbach
Mark Rickenbach
University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Forest & Wildlife Ecology
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Combining analytical frameworks to assess livelihood vulnerability to climate change and analyse adaptation options
MS Reed, G Podesta, I Fazey, N Geeson, R Hessel, K Hubacek, D Letson, ...
Ecological Economics 94, 66-77, 2013
Forest certification and institutional governance: an empirical study of forest stewardship council certificate holders in the United States
C Overdevest, MG Rickenbach
Forest Policy and Economics 9 (1), 93-102, 2006
Private forestland parcelization and development in Wisconsin’s Northwoods: perceptions of resource-oriented stakeholders
PH Gobster, MG Rickenbach
Landscape and urban planning 69 (2-3), 165-182, 2004
Ecosystem management: capturing the concept for woodland owners
MG Rickenbach, DB Kittredge, D Dennis, T Stevens
Journal of Forestry 96 (4), 18-24, 1998
Best management practices and timber harvesting: the role of social networks in shaping landowner decisions
TG Knoot, M Rickenbach
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 26 (2), 171-182, 2011
Serving members and reaching others: The performance and social networks of a landowner cooperative
M Rickenbach
Forest policy and economics 11 (8), 593-599, 2009
Cross-boundary cooperation in a watershed context: the sentiments of private forest landowners
MG Rickenbach, AS Reed
Environmental Management 30, 584-594, 2002
Despite failure: The emergence of “new” forest owners in private forest policy in Wisconsin, USA
M Rickenbach, K Zeuli, E Sturgess-Cleek
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 20 (6), 503-513, 2005
Membership matters: comparing members and non-members of NIPF owner organizations in southwest Wisconsin, USA
MG Rickenbach, RP Guries, DL Schmoldt
Forest policy and Economics 8 (1), 93-103, 2006
Attitudes and preferences toward co-operative agreements for management of private forestlands in the North-eastern United States
TH Stevens, D Dennis, D Kittredge, M Rickenbach
Journal of Environmental Management 55 (2), 81-90, 1999
Time and distance: comparing motivations among forest landowners in New England, USA
M Rickenbach, DB Kittredge
Small-Scale Forestry 8, 95-108, 2009
More than markets: assessing Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification as a policy tool
M Rickenbach, C Overdevest
Journal of Forestry 104 (3), 143-147, 2006
Cross-boundary cooperation: A mechanism for sustaining ecosystem services from private lands
M Rickenbach, LA Schulte, DB Kittredge, WG Labich, DJ Shinneman
Journal of soil and water conservation 66 (4), 91A-96A, 2011
Cross-boundary coordination on forested landscapes: investigating alternatives for implementation
RJ Gass, M Rickenbach, LA Schulte, K Zeuli
Environmental Management 43, 107-117, 2009
Forest certification of small ownerships: some practical challenges
MG Rickenbach
Journal of Forestry 100 (6), 43-47, 2002
How personal connections shape decisions about private forest use
DB Kittredge, MG Rickenbach, TG Knoot, E Snellings, A Erazo
Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 30 (2), 67-74, 2013
Oak conservation and restoration on private forestlands: negotiating a social-ecological landscape
TG Knoot, LA Schulte, M Rickenbach
Environmental management 45, 155-164, 2010
Ecological and economic benefits of cross-boundary coordination among private forest landowners
LA Schulte, M Rickenbach, LC Merrick
Landscape Ecology 23, 481-496, 2008
Logging firms, nonindustrial private forests, and forest parcelization: evidence of firm specialization and its impact on sustainable timber supply
M Rickenbach, TW Steele
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36 (1), 186-194, 2006
Stakeholders' perceptions of parcelization in Wisconsin's Northwoods
MG Rickenbach, PH Gobster
Journal of Forestry 101 (6), 18-23, 2003
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