Marco Brambilla
Marco Brambilla
Full Professor of Social Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca
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Looking for honesty: The primary role of morality (vs. sociability and competence) in information gathering
M Brambilla, P Rusconi, S Sacchi, P Cherubini
European journal of social psychology 41 (2), 135-143, 2011
On the Importance of Being Moral: The Distinctive Role of Morality in Social Judgment
M Brambilla, CW Leach
Social Cognition 32 (4), 397-408, 2014
You want to give a good impression? Be honest! Moral traits dominate group impression formation
M Brambilla, S Sacchi, P Rusconi, P Cherubini, VY Yzerbyt
British Journal of Social Psychology 51, 149-166, 2012
Morality and Intergroup Relations: Threats to Safety and Group Image Predict the Desire to Interact with Outgroup and Ingroup Members
M Brambilla, S Sacchi, S Pagliaro, N Ellemers
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49, 811-821, 2013
Trust predicts COVID-19 prescribed and discretionary behavioral intentions in 23 countries
S Pagliaro, S Sacchi, MG Pacilli, M Brambilla, F Lionetti, K Bettache, ...
Plos one 16 (3), e0248334, 2021
The Primacy of Morality in Impression Development: Theory, Research, and Future Directions
M Brambilla, S Sacchi, P Rusconi, GP Goodwin
Changing stereotype content through mental imagery: Imagining intergroup contact promotes stereotype change
M Brambilla, M Ravenna, M Hewstone
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 15, 305-315, 2012
Initial Impressions Determine Behaviours: Morality Predicts the Willingness to Help Newcomers
S Pagliaro, M Brambilla, S Sacchi, M D’Angelo, N Ellemers
Journal of Business Ethics 117, 37-44, 2013
Status and cooperation shape lesbian stereotypes: Testing predictions from the stereotype content model.
M Brambilla, A Carnaghi, M Ravenna
Social psychology 42 (2), 101-110, 2011
Changing impressions: Moral character dominates impression updating
M Brambilla, L Carraro, L Castelli, S Sacchi
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 82, 64-73, 2019
Enhancing moral virtues: Increased perceived outgroup morality as a mediator of intergroup contact effects
M Brambilla, M Hewstone, FP Colucci
Group processes & intergroup relations 16 (5), 648-657, 2013
The Effects of Status on Perceived Warmth and Competence
M Brambilla, S Sacchi, F Castellini, P Riva
Social psychology 41 (2), 82-87, 2010
The influence of visual context on the evaluation of facial trustworthiness
M Brambilla, M Biella, JB Freeman
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 78, 34-42, 2018
Humanizing machines: Anthropomorphization of slot machines increases gambling.
P Riva, S Sacchi, M Brambilla
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 21 (4), 313, 2015
Predicting pleasure at others’ misfortune: Morality trumps sociability and competence in driving deservingness and schadenfreude
M Brambilla, P Riva
Motivation and Emotion 41, 243-253, 2017
To feel or not to feel when my group harms others? The regulation of collective guilt as motivated reasoning
K Sharvit, M Brambilla, M Babush, FP Colucci
Personality and social psychology bulletin 41 (9), 1223-1235, 2015
Intergroup Threat and Outgroup Attitudes
M Brambilla, DA Butz
Social Psychology 44, 311-319, 2013
Honesty and dishonesty don’t move together: Trait content information influences behavioral synchrony
M Brambilla, S Sacchi, M Menegatti, S Moscatelli
Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 40, 171-186, 2016
Self‐image and schadenfreude: Pleasure at others' misfortune enhances satisfaction of basic human needs
M Brambilla, P Riva
European Journal of Social Psychology 47, 399-411, 2017
Bad guys suffer less (social pain): Moral status influences judgements of others’ social suffering
P Riva, M Brambilla, J Vaes
British Journal of Social Psychology 55, 88-108, 2016
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Articles 1–20