Severin Grabski
Cited by
Cited by
Financial impacts of enterprise resource planning implementations
R Poston, S Grabski
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 2 (4), 271-294, 2001
A review of ERP research: A future agenda for accounting information systems
SV Grabski, SA Leech, PJ Schmidt
Journal of information systems 25 (1), 37-78, 2011
Complementary controls and ERP implementation success
SV Grabski, SA Leech
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 8 (1), 17-39, 2007
Transfer pricing in complex organizations: A review and integration of recent empirical and analytical research
SV Grabski
Readings in accounting for management control, 453-495, 1996
The productivity paradox of hotel-industry technology
JS David, S Grabski, M Kasavana
Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 37 (2), 64-70, 1996
The impact of enterprise resource planning systems on firm performance
R Poston, S Grabski
ERP implementations and their impact upon management accountants
A Sangster, SA Leech, S Grabski
JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 6, 125-142, 2009
An investigation of localization as an element of cognitive fit in accounting model representations
C Dunn, S Grabski
Decision Sciences 32 (1), 55-94, 2001
Management accounting in enterprise resource planning systems
S Grabski, S Leech, A Sangster
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2009
Centralized end-to-end identity and access management and ERP systems: A multi-case analysis using the Technology Organization Environment framework
M Bradford, JB Earp, S Grabski
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 15 (2), 149-165, 2014
Risks and controls in the implementation of ERP systems
SV Grabski, SA Leech, B Lu
Universidad de Huelva, 2001
Accounting information systems research: Is it another QWERTY?
RS Poston, SV Grabski
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1 (1), 9-53, 2000
A Review of Research in Computer-Human Interaction and Individual Differences Within a Model for Research in Accounting Information Systems.
JH Reneau, SV Grabski
Journal of information Systems 2 (1), 1987
Perceptions of fair pay and the gender wage gap
LA Jackson, SV Grabski
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 18 (7), 606-625, 1988
Perceived semantic expressiveness of accounting systems and task accuracy effects
CL Dunn, SV Grabski
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1 (2), 79-87, 2000
Integrating Accounting and Manufacturing Information Systems: An ABC and REA-Based Approach.
SV Grabski, RJ Marsh
Journal of Information Systems 8 (2), 1994
Market reaction to e-commerce impairments evidenced by website outages
JH Anthony, W Choi, S Grabski
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 7 (2), 60-78, 2006
Business in the cloud: Research questions on governance, audit, and assurance
PJ Schmidt, JT Wood, SV Grabski
Journal of Information Systems 30 (3), 173-189, 2016
Management accountants: a profession dramatically changed by ERP systems
S Grabski, S Leech, A Sangster
CIMA Global 4 (5), 1-9, 2008
Critical evaluation of conceptual data models
CL Dunn, GJ Gerard, SV Grabski
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 6 (2), 83-106, 2005
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Articles 1–20