Mengyu Lan
Mengyu Lan
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Solution of nonlinear initial-value problems by the spline-based differential quadrature method
H Zhong, M Lan
Journal of Sound and Vibration 296 (4-5), 908-918, 2006
A High‐order extended finite element method for extraction of mixed‐mode strain energy release rates in arbitrary crack settings based on Irwin's integral
M Lan, H Waisman, I Harari
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 96 (12), 787-812, 2013
Extraction of stress intensity factors from Irwin's integral using high‐order XFEM on triangular meshes
G Song, H Waisman, M Lan, I Harari
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 102 (3-4), 528-550, 2015
A direct analytical method to extract mixed‐mode components of strain energy release rates from Irwin's integral using extended finite element method
M Lan, H Waisman, I Harari
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 95 (12), 1033-1052, 2013
Mechanics of SWCNT aggregates studied by incremental constrained minimization
M Lan, H Waisman
Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics 2 (2), 15-22, 2012
Developments in extended finite element methods for extraction of strain energy release rates and computational nanomechanics for SWCNT aggregates
M Lan
Columbia University, 2013
A direct method to extract strain energy release rates using XFEM and Irwin’s integral
H Waisman, G Song, M Lan, I Harari
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Articles 1–7