Alexander Mayorov
Alexander Mayorov
Special Appointed Researcher, School of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China
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Micrometer-scale ballistic transport in encapsulated graphene at room temperature
AS Mayorov, RV Gorbachev, SV Morozov, L Britnell, R Jalil, ...
Nano letters 11 (6), 2396-2399, 2011
Fluorographene: A Two‐Dimensional Counterpart of Teflon
RR Nair, W Ren, R Jalil, I Riaz, VG Kravets, L Britnell, P Blake, F Schedin, ...
Small 6 (24), 2877-2884, 2010
Cloning of Dirac fermions in graphene superlattices
LA Ponomarenko, RV Gorbachev, GL Yu, DC Elias, R Jalil, AA Patel, ...
Nature 497 (7451), 594-597, 2013
Electron Tunneling through Ultrathin Boron Nitride Crystalline Barriers
L Britnell, RV Gorbachev, R Jalil, BD Belle, F Schedin, MI Katsnelson, ...
Nano letters 12 (3), 1707-1710, 2012
Dirac cones reshaped by interaction effects in suspended graphene
DC Elias, RV Gorbachev, AS Mayorov, SV Morozov, AA Zhukov, P Blake, ...
Nature Physics 7 (9), 701-704, 2011
Synthesis and properties of free-standing monolayer amorphous carbon
CT Toh, H Zhang, J Lin, AS Mayorov, YP Wang, CM Orofeo, DB Ferry, ...
Nature 577 (7789), 199-203, 2020
Interaction-driven spectrum reconstruction in bilayer graphene
AS Mayorov, DC Elias, M Mucha-Kruczynski, RV Gorbachev, ...
Science 333 (6044), 860-863, 2011
Giant nonlocality near the Dirac point in graphene
DA Abanin, SV Morozov, LA Ponomarenko, RV Gorbachev, AS Mayorov, ...
Science 332 (6027), 328-330, 2011
Interaction phenomena in graphene seen through quantum capacitance
GL Yu, R Jalil, B Belle, AS Mayorov, P Blake, F Schedin, SV Morozov, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (9), 3282-3286, 2013
Weak localization in bilayer graphene
RV Gorbachev, FV Tikhonenko, AS Mayorov, DW Horsell, AK Savchenko
Physical review letters 98 (17), 176805, 2007
Density of states and zero Landau level probed through capacitance of graphene
LA Ponomarenko, R Yang, RV Gorbachev, P Blake, AS Mayorov, ...
Physical Review Letters 105 (13), 136801, 2010
How close can one approach the Dirac point in graphene experimentally?
AS Mayorov, DC Elias, IS Mukhin, SV Morozov, LA Ponomarenko, ...
Nano letters 12 (9), 4629-4634, 2012
Conductance of pnp graphene structures with “air-bridge” top gates
RV Gorbachev, AS Mayorov, AK Savchenko, DW Horsell, F Guinea
Nano letters 8 (7), 1995-1999, 2008
Raman fingerprint of aligned graphene/h-BN superlattices
A Eckmann, J Park, H Yang, D Elias, AS Mayorov, G Yu, R Jalil, ...
Nano letters 13 (11), 5242-5246, 2013
Impurities as a source of 1/f noise in graphene
AA Kaverzin, AS Mayorov, A Shytov, DW Horsell
Physical Review B 85 (7), 075435, 2012
Gate-defined quantum confinement in InSe-based van der Waals heterostructures
M Hamer, E Tóvári, M Zhu, MD Thompson, A Mayorov, J Prance, Y Lee, ...
Nano Letters 18 (6), 3950-3955, 2018
On-chip picosecond pulse detection and generation using graphene photoconductive switches
N Hunter, AS Mayorov, CD Wood, C Russell, L Li, EH Linfield, AG Davies, ...
Nano letters 15 (3), 1591-1596, 2015
Surface acoustic wave generation and detection using graphene interdigitated transducers on lithium niobate
AS Mayorov, N Hunter, W Muchenje, CD Wood, M Rosamond, EH Linfield, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (8), 2014
Excitation, detection and electrostatic manipulation of terahertz-frequency range plasmons in a two-dimensional electron system
J Wu, AS Mayorov, CD Wood, D Mistry, L Li, W Muchenje, MC Rosamond, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 15420, 2015
Terahertz plasmons in coupled two-dimensional semiconductor resonators
O Sydoruk, JB Wu, A Mayorov, CD Wood, DK Mistry, JE Cunningham
Physical Review B 92 (19), 195304, 2015
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Articles 1–20