Articles with public access mandates - Hideyuki OkanoLearn more
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Elucidation of developmental patterns of marmoset corpus callosum through a comparative MRI in marmosets, chimpanzees, and humans
T Sakai, Y Komaki, J Hata, J Okahara, N Okahara, T Inoue, A Mikami, ...
Neuroscience Research 122, 25-34, 2017
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Dissecting calvarial bones and sutures at single‐cell resolution
B Li, J Li, Y Fan, Z Zhao, L Li, H Okano, T Ouchi
Biological Reviews 98 (5), 1749-1767, 2023
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Reprogramming of chimpanzee fibroblasts into a multipotent cancerous but not fully pluripotent state by transducing iPSC factors in 2i/LIF culture
ZYC Lin, R Nakai, H Hirai, D Kozuka, S Katayama, S Nakamura, S Okada, ...
Differentiation 112, 67-76, 2020
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Generation of Stable Drosophila Ovarian Somatic Cell Lines Using the piggyBac System
C Takeuchi, K Murano, M Ishikawa, H Okano, YW Iwasaki
piRNA: Methods and Protocols, 143-153, 2022
Mandates: Japan Science and Technology Agency
Available somewhere: 101
Notch inhibition induces cochlear hair cell regeneration and recovery of hearing after acoustic trauma
K Mizutari, M Fujioka, M Hosoya, N Bramhall, HJ Okano, H Okano, ...
Neuron 77 (1), 58-69, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Sema3A regulates bone-mass accrual through sensory innervations
T Fukuda, S Takeda, R Xu, H Ochi, S Sunamura, T Sato, S Shibata, ...
Nature 497 (7450), 490-493, 2013
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Brains, genes, and primates
JCI Belmonte, EM Callaway, SJ Caddick, P Churchland, G Feng, ...
Neuron 86 (3), 617-631, 2015
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, US Department of Veterans Affairs, Howard …
Molecular identity of periglomerular and short axon cells
E Kiyokage, YZ Pan, Z Shao, K Kobayashi, G Szabo, Y Yanagawa, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (3), 1185-1196, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
New neurons clear the path of astrocytic processes for their rapid migration in the adult brain
N Kaneko, O Marín, M Koike, Y Hirota, Y Uchiyama, JY Wu, Q Lu, ...
Neuron 67 (2), 213-223, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
DISC1-dependent switch from progenitor proliferation to migration in the developing cortex
K Ishizuka, A Kamiya, EC Oh, H Kanki, S Seshadri, JF Robinson, ...
Nature 473 (7345), 92-96, 2011
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
LNGFR+ THY-1+ VCAM-1hi+ cells reveal functionally distinct subpopulations in mesenchymal stem cells
Y Mabuchi, S Morikawa, S Harada, K Niibe, S Suzuki, F Renault-Mihara, ...
Stem cell reports 1 (2), 152-165, 2013
Mandates: UK Medical Research Council
Neuronal Elav-like (Hu) proteins regulate RNA splicing and abundance to control glutamate levels and neuronal excitability
G Ince-Dunn, HJ Okano, KB Jensen, WY Park, R Zhong, J Ule, A Mele, ...
Neuron 75 (6), 1067-1080, 2012
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Abundant Occurrence of Basal Radial Glia in the Subventricular Zone of Embryonic Neocortex of a Lissencephalic Primate, the Common Marmoset Callithrix jacchus
I Kelava, I Reillo, AY Murayama, AT Kalinka, D Stenzel, P Tomancak, ...
Cerebral cortex 22 (2), 469-481, 2012
Mandates: German Research Foundation, Government of Spain
Common functional networks in the mouse brain revealed by multi-centre resting-state fMRI analysis
J Grandjean, C Canella, C Anckaerts, G Ayrancı, S Bougacha, T Bienert, ...
Neuroimage 205, 116278, 2020
Mandates: Research Foundation (Flanders), German Research Foundation, A*Star …
Evolutionarily dynamic alternative splicing of GPR56 regulates regional cerebral cortical patterning
BI Bae, I Tietjen, KD Atabay, GD Evrony, MB Johnson, E Asare, PP Wang, ...
Science 343 (6172), 764-768, 2014
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UK …
Human-specific ARHGAP11B increases size and folding of primate neocortex in the fetal marmoset
M Heide, C Haffner, A Murayama, Y Kurotaki, H Shinohara, H Okano, ...
Science 369 (6503), 546-550, 2020
Mandates: German Research Foundation, UK Medical Research Council, European Commission
Musashi1 modulates mammary progenitor cell expansion through proliferin-mediated activation of the Wnt and Notch pathways
XY Wang, Y Yin, H Yuan, T Sakamaki, H Okano, RI Glazer
Molecular and cellular biology 28 (11), 3589-3599, 2008
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Musashi1 regulates breast tumor cell proliferation and is a prognostic indicator of poor survival
XY Wang, LOF Penalva, H Yuan, RI Linnoila, J Lu, H Okano, RI Glazer
Molecular cancer 9, 1-12, 2010
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Worldwide initiatives to advance brain research
S Grillner, N Ip, C Koch, W Koroshetz, H Okano, M Polachek, M Poo, ...
Nature neuroscience 19 (9), 1118-1122, 2016
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
Akt suppresses retrograde degeneration of dopaminergic axons by inhibition of macroautophagy
HC Cheng, SR Kim, TF Oo, T Kareva, O Yarygina, M Rzhetskaya, C Wang, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (6), 2125-2135, 2011
Mandates: US National Institutes of Health
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