Tycho Nout Huussen
Tycho Nout Huussen
Consultant, Tycho Consultancy
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Global patterns of diapycnal mixing from measurements of the turbulent dissipation rate
AF Waterhouse, JA MacKinnon, JD Nash, MH Alford, E Kunze, ...
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (7), 1854-1872, 2014
Finescale parameterizations of turbulent dissipation
KL Polzin, AC Naveira Garabato, TN Huussen, BM Sloyan, S Waterman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (2), 1383-1419, 2014
Is the deep Indian Ocean MOC sustained by breaking internal waves?
TN Huussen, AC Naveira‐Garabato, HL Bryden, EL McDonagh
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C8), 2012
Time-and frequency-domain solutions in an optical analogue of Grover’s search algorithm
TW Hijmans, TN Huussen, RJC Spreeuw
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 24 (2), 214-220, 2007
Is the Indian Ocean MOC driven by internal wave breaking?
TN Huussen
University of Southampton, 2010
Power-efficient frequency switching of a locked laser
RA Cornelussen, TN Huussen, RJC Spreeuw, ...
Applied Physics B 78, 19-23, 2004
Internal wave analysis of recent LOCO measurements in the Mozambique channel
T Huussen
Classical-wave Experiment for searching Multiple Items with Quantum Query Complexity
TN Huussen
Loss-free frequency switching of a locked laser
RA Cornelussen, TN Huussen, RJC Spreeuw, HBL van den Heuvell
arXiv preprint physics/0307048, 0
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Articles 1–9