Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh
Zeinab Zaremohzzabieh
Other namesزینب زارع مهذبیه
Women and Family Studies Research Center, University of Religions and Denominations, Iran
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Cited by
The effects of consumer attitude on green purchase intention: A meta-analytic path analysis
Z Zaremohzzabieh, N Ismail, S Ahrari, AA Samah
Journal of Business Research 132, 732-743, 2021
Predicting social entrepreneurial intention: A meta-analytic path analysis based on the theory of planned behavior
Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari, SE Krauss, AA Samah, LK Meng, Z Ariffin
Journal of Business Research 96, 264-276, 2019
Addictive Facebook use among university students
Z Zaremohzzabieh, BA Samah, SZ Omar, J Bolong, NA Kamarudin
Asian Social Science 10 (6), 107-116, 2015
The relationship between workload and performance of research university academics in Malaysia: The mediating effects of career commitment and job satisfaction
J Janib, RM Rasdi, Z Omar, SN Alias, Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari
Asian Journal of University Education 17 (2), 85-99, 2021
Innovative work behavior among teachers in Malaysia: The effects of teamwork, principal support, and humor
A Johari, NW Abdul Wahat, Z Zaremohzzabieh
Asian Journal of University Education (AJUE) 7 (2), 72-84, 2021
Relationship between teacher empowerment and job satisfaction: A Meta-Analytic path analysis
S Ahrari, S Roslan, Z Zaremohzzabieh, R Mohd Rasdi, A Abu Samah
Cogent Education 8 (1), 1898737, 2021
Effects of emotions and ethics on pro-environmental behavior of university employees: a model based on the theory of planned behavior
F Aziz, AA Md Rami, Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari
Sustainability 13 (13), 7062, 2021
Deepening critical thinking skills through civic engagement in Malaysian higher education
S Ahrari, BA Samah, MSHB Hassan, NWA Wahat, Z Zaremohzzabieh
Thinking Skills and Creativity 22, 121-128, 2016
A test of the technology acceptance model for understanding the ICT adoption behavior of rural young entrepreneurs
Z Zaremohzzabieh, B Abu Samah, M Muhammad, SZ Omar, J Bolong, ...
International Journal of Business and Management 10 (2), 158-169, 2015
Information and communications technology acceptance by youth entrepreneurs in rural Malaysian communities: The mediating effects of attitude and entrepreneurial intention
Z Zaremohzzabieh, BA Samah, M Muhammad, SZ Omar, J Bolong, ...
Information Technology for Development 22 (4), 606-629, 2016
Financial insecurity During the COVID-19 pandemic: Spillover effects on burnout–disengagement relationships and performance of employees who moonlight
RM Rasdi, Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Ahrari
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 610138, 2021
Household preparedness for future earthquake disaster risk using an extended theory of planned behavior
Z Zaremohzzabieh, AA Samah, S Roslan, HAM Shaffril, JL D'Silva, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 65, 102533, 2021
How do self-esteem, dispositional hope, crisis self-efficacy, mattering, and gender differences affect teacher resilience during COVID-19 school closures?
EM Baguri, S Roslan, SA Hassan, SE Krauss, Z Zaremohzzabieh
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (7), 4150, 2022
Towards agriculture as career: predicting students’ participation in the agricultural sector using an extended model of the theory of planned behavior
Z Zaremohzzabieh, SE Krauss, JL D’Silva, N Tiraieyari, IA Ismail, ...
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 28 (1), 67-92, 2022
Role of restorativeness in improving the psychological well-being of university students
NANM Yusli, S Roslan, Z Zaremohzzabieh, Z Ghiami, N Ahmad
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 646329, 2021
Factors predicting the adoption of e-government services in telecenters in rural areas: The mediating role of trust
S Kamarudin, SZ Omar, Z Zaremohzzabieh, J Bolong, MN Osman
Asia-Pacific Social Science Review 21 (1), 3, 2021
Factors affecting Malaysian university students’ purchase intention in social networking sites
S Sharifi fard, E Tamam, MS Hj Hassan, M Waheed, Z Zaremohzzabieh
Cogent Business & Management 3 (1), 1182612, 2016
Smarphone Addiction and Phubbing Behviour among University Students: A Moderated Mediation Model by Fear of Missing Out, Social Comparison and Loneliness
RS Bajwa, H Abdullah, Z Zaremohzzabieh, WMW Jaafar, A Abu Samah
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 2023
Perceived stress, social support, emotional intelligence, and post-stress growth among Chinese left-behind children: a moderated mediation model
L Zhang, S Roslan, Z Zaremohzzabieh, Y Jiang, S Wu, Y Chen
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (3), 1851, 2022
Influencing factors in MOOCs adoption in higher education: A meta-analytic path analysis
Z Zaremohzzabieh, S Roslan, Z Mohamad, IA Ismail, H Ab Jalil, S Ahrari
Sustainability 14 (14), 8268, 2022
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