Riad AL GHAZZI (RoR:01h8c9041)
Riad AL GHAZZI (RoR:01h8c9041)
Professor of Geology, Syrian Private University
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GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa‐Arabia‐Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics of plate interactions
R Reilinger, S McClusky, P Vernant, S Lawrence, S Ergintav, R Cakmak, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B5), 2006
Evidence for 830 years of seismic quiescence from palaeoseismology, archaeoseismology and historical seismicity along the Dead Sea fault in Syria
M Meghraoui, F Gomez, R Sbeinati, J Van der Woerd, M Mouty, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 210 (1-2), 35-52, 2003
Holocene faulting and earthquake recurrence along the Serghaya branch of the Dead Sea fault system in Syria and Lebanon
F Gomez, M Meghraoui, AN Darkal, F Hijazi, M Mouty, Y Suleiman, ...
Geophysical Journal International 153 (3), 658-674, 2003
Crustal deformation in northwestern Arabia from GPS measurements in Syria: Slow slip rate along the northern Dead Sea Fault
A Alchalbi, M Daoud, F Gomez, S McClusky, R Reilinger, MA Romeyeh, ...
Geophysical Journal International 180 (1), 125-135, 2010
Timing of earthquake ruptures at the Al Harif Roman aqueduct (Dead Sea fault, Syria) from archaeoseismology and paleoseismology
MR Sbeinati, M Meghraoui, G Suleyman, F Gomez, P Grootes, ...
Late holocene paleoseismic timing and slip history along the Missyaf segment of the Dead Sea Fault in Syria
M Meghraoui, F Gomez, R Sbeinati, J Van der Woerd, M Mouty, F Hijazi, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2001, S52C-0648, 2001
New GPS observations on fault slip rate and locking depth for the northern Dead Sea Fault System in western Syria: Implications for tectonics and earthquake hazards
A Alchalbi, M Daoud, F Gomez, S McClusky, R Reilinger, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2007, T42B-03, 2004
Holocene faulting and earthquake recurrence along the Serghaya branch of the Dead Sea fault system in Syria and Lebanon (vol 153, pg 658, 2003)
F Gomez, M Meghraoui, AN Darkal, F Hijazi, M Mouty, Y Suleiman, ...
Geophysical Journal International 155 (2), 749-750, 2003
Holocene paleoseismic activity of the Serghaya branch of the Dead Sea fault system in Syria and Lebanon
F Gomez, M Meghraoui, A Darkal, F Hijazi, M Mouty, Y Suleiman, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2001, S52C-0649, 2001
Empirical relationship for assessing the near-field horizontal coseismic displacement using GPS Seismology data
R Darawcheh, RA Ghazzi, MK Abdul-Wahed
Geofísica internacional 60 (1), 31-50, 2021
GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implicationsfor the dynamics of plate interactions
G Karam, R Al-Ghazzi, R Reilinger, S McClusky, P Vernant, S Lawrence
Geodesy and Gravity Tectonophysics-B05411-GPS constraints on continental deformation in the Africa-Arabia-Eurasia continental collision zone and implications for the dynamics …
R Reilinger, S McClusky, P Vernant, S Lawrence, S Ergintav, R Cakmak, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research-Part B-Solid Earth 111 (5), 2006
Late Cenozoic and active transpression along the Dead Sea fault in northwestern Syria
F Gomez, Y Radwan, H Al-Najjar, I Layyous, A Darkal, R Darawcheh, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2004, T41F-1291, 2004
Faulted Ancient Aqueduct and Successive Displacements along the Dead Sea Fault in Syria
R Sbeinat, M Meghraoui, F Gomez, J van der Woerd, I Layyous, ...
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 14854, 2003
Paleoseismicity, regional strain partitioning, and possible fault interactions along the central Dead Sea fault in Lebanon and Syria
F Gomez, AN Darkal, M Meghraoui, R Al-Ghazzi, C Tabet, M Khawlie, ...
EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, 12184, 2003
Late Holocene Paleoseismic Timing and Slip Rate Along The Missyaf Segment of The Dead Sea Fault In Syria
M Meghraoui, F Gomez, R Sbeinati, J van der Woerd, M Mouty, A Darkal, ...
EGS General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6161, 2002
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Articles 1–16