Jean Mélou
Cited by
Cited by
A variational approach to shape-from-shading under natural illumination
Y Quéau, J Mélou, F Castan, D Cremers, JD Durou
Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition: 11th …, 2018
Refractive Multi-view Stereo
M Cassidy, J Mélou, Y Quéau, F Lauze, JD Durou
2020 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 384-393, 2020
Dense Multi-view 3D-reconstruction Without Dense Correspondences
Y Quéau, J Mélou, JD Durou, D Cremers
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.00337, 2017
Beyond multi-view stereo: Shading-reflectance decomposition
J Mélou, Y Quéau, JD Durou, F Castan, D Cremers
International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer …, 2017
Variational reflectance estimation from multi-view images
J Mélou, Y Quéau, JD Durou, F Castan, D Cremers
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 60 (9), 1527-1546, 2018
Absolute and Relative Pose Estimation in Refractive Multi View
X Hu, F Lauze, KS Pedersen, J Mélou
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
3D Digitization of Heritage: Photometric Stereo can Help
J Mélou, A Laurent, C Fritz, JD Durou
ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and …, 2022
RNb-NeuS: Reflectance and Normal-based Multi-View 3D Reconstruction
B Brument, R Bruneau, Y Quéau, J Mélou, FB Lauze, JD Durou, L Calvet
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2024
A splitting-based algorithm for multi-view stereopsis of textureless objects
J Mélou, Y Quéau, F Castan, JD Durou
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 7th International …, 2019
Macrogroove: A Sound 3D-sculpture Interactive Player
P Chable, G Azzaro, J Mélou, Y Quéau, A Carlier, JD Durou
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 1153-1154, 2019
Stéréophotométrie avec estimation locale de l'éclairage-Application à la reconstruction 3D du patrimoine archéologique
B Coupry, J Mélou, A Laurent, B Brument, P Gurdjos, Y Quéau, JD Durou
Congrès Reconnaissance des Formes, Image, Apprentissage et Perception (RFIAP …, 2024
Intégration de la stéréophotométrie pour le patrimoine dans la suite logicielle open-source Alicevision Meshroom
A Laurent, J Mélou, B Coupry, T Sagory, C Fritz, JD Durou
Les Journées du Consortium 3D SHS, Lyon (JC3DSHS 2023), 1--10, 2023
A shape-from-silhouette method for 3D reconstruction of a convex polyhedron
B Brument, L Calvet, R Bruneau, J Mélou, S Gasparini, Y Quéau, F Lauze, ...
Sixteenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision …, 2023
Fusion d’approches photométriques et géométriques pour la création de modèles 3D
J Mélou
IRIT, 2020
Neural detection of spheres in images for lighting calibration
L Fainsin, J Mélou, L Calvet, A Carlier, JD Durou
Sixteenth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision …, 2023
On Photometric Stereo in the Presence of a Refractive Interface
Y Quéau, R Bruneau, J Mélou, JD Durou, F Lauze
International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer …, 2023
Contributions of Photometry to the 3D-digitization of Heritage
A Laurent, J Mélou, T Sagory, C Fritz, JD Durou
Proceedings of the 4th ACM International workshop on Structuring and …, 2022
Une solution numérique générique pour la reconstruction 3D d'objets non texturés
J Mélou, Y Quéau, F Castan, JD Durou
ORASIS 2019, 2019
Estimation de la réflectance à partir de données multi-vues
J Mélou, Y Quéau, JD Durou, F Castan, D Cremers
ORASIS 2017, 2017
Combining geometric and photometric 3D reconstruction techniques for cultural heritage
A Laurent, B Coupry, B Brument, J Mélou, Y Quéau, C Fritz, JD Durou
Journal of Cultural Heritage 73, 43-51, 2025
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Articles 1–20