Dr.  M.  Mutyalarao
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Cited by
Stability of the future LEO environment–an IADC comparison study
JC Liou, AK Anilkumar, B Bastida, T Hanada, H Krag, H Lewis, M Raj, ...
Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Space Debris 723, 2013
Large deflections of a cantilever beam under an inclined end load
M Mutyalarao, D Bharathi, BN Rao
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (7), 3607-3613, 2010
On the uniqueness of large deflections of a uniform cantilever beam under a tip-concentrated rotational load
M Mutyalarao, D Bharathi, BN Rao
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 45 (4), 433-441, 2010
Optimal reentry time estimation of an upper stage from geostationary transfer orbit
M Mutyalarao, RK Sharma
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 47 (4), 686-690, 2010
On prediction of re-entry time of an upper stage from GTO
M Mutyalarao, RK Sharma
Advances in Space Research 47 (11), 1877-1884, 2011
How valid are Sugiyama׳ s experiments on follower forces?
M Mutyalarao, D Bharathi, KL Narayana, BN Rao
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 93, 122-125, 2017
Dynamic stability of cantilever columns under a tip-concentrated subtangential follower force
M Mutyalarao, D Bharathi, BN Rao
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 18 (5), 449-463, 2013
Taboo evolutionary programming approach to optimal transfer from earth to mars
M Mutyalarao, A Sabarinath, M Xavier James Raj
International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, 122-131, 2011
Performance of prediction models on reentry time prediction of CZ-2C rocket body
AK Anilkumar, MXJ Raj, M Mutyalarao, P Dutt, PB Bhanumathy, ...
2017 First International Conference on Recent Advances in Aerospace …, 2017
Assessment of in-house algorithms on re-entry time prediction of uncontrolled space objects
P Dutt, M Mutyalarao, P Bhanumathy, TRS Kumari, D Negi, AK Anilkumar, ...
Advances in Space Research 72 (7), 2535-2551, 2023
Analytical methods for prefiltering of close approaches between space objects
MXJ Raj, M Mutyalarao
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 5 (3), 36-44, 2013
Minimum energy Earth departure trajectories to Venus
M Mutyalarao, MXJ Raj
Proceedings of the Fifty Seventh Congress of the Indian Society of …, 2012
Lifetime Estimation of Upper Stages Re-Entering from GTO with Different Inclinations
P Bandyopadhyay, RK Sharma, M Mutyalarao, V Adimurthy
5th European Conference on Space Debris, European Space Agency, ESA SP-672, 2009
Mission design and performance of RLV-TD
JR Pillai, MM Rao, P Bhanumathy, V Mukundan, J Joseph, AKA Kumar, ...
Current Science, 101-108, 2018
Space Object Proximity Analysis for Indian LEO Satellites
S Gupta, P Dutt, P Bandyopadhyay, MM Rao, S Kumari
2014, National Conference on Space Debris Management and Mitigation …, 2014
Orbital lifetime of GTO objects with respect to launch time
M Mutyalarao, MXJ Raj
2014 National Conference on Space Debris Management and Mitigation Techniques, 2014
Optimal Velocity Requirements for Earth to Venus Mission Using Taboo Evolutionary Programming
M Mutyalarao, A Sabarinath, MXJ Raj
Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing: 4th International Conference …, 2013
Effect of Double Impulse Trajectory Transfer from Earth to Mars Mission
MXJ Raj, M Mutyalarao
Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, 1-7, 2016
Performance of Response surface method using genetic algorithm on re-entry time prediction problem
M Mutyalarao, MXJ Raj
Optimal lunar soft landing trajectories using taboo evolutionary programming
M Mutyalarao, M Raj
40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 40, B0. 1-60-14, 2014
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Articles 1–20