Blake C. Rawlings
Blake C. Rawlings
Sandia National Laboratories
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Synthesis of Obfuscation Policies to Ensure Privacy and Utility
YC Wu, V Raman, BC Rawlings, S Lafortune, SA Seshia
Journal of Automated Reasoning 60 (1), 107-131, 2018
Multivariate image analysis (MIA) for industrial flare combustion control
D Castiñeira, BC Rawlings, TF Edgar
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 51 (39), 12642-12652, 2012
Supervisory Control of Labeled Transition Systems Subject to Multiple Reachability Requirements via Symbolic Model Checking
BC Rawlings, S Lafortune, BE Ydstie
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2018
Demonstration of indoor location privacy enforcement using obfuscation
RM Góes, BC Rawlings, N Recker, G Willett, S Lafortune
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (7), 145-151, 2018
Application of formal verification and falsification to large-scale chemical plant automation systems
BC Rawlings, JM Wassick, BE Ydstie
Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2017
Supervisor Synthesis to Satisfy Safety and Reachability Requirements in Chemical Process Control
BC Rawlings, B Christenson, JM Wassick, BE Ydstie
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (2), 195-200, 2014
Incorporating automation logic in online chemical production scheduling
BC Rawlings, V Avadiappan, S Lafortune, CT Maravelias, JM Wassick
Computers & Chemical Engineering 128, 201-215, 2019
Incorporating Automation Logic in the Online Scheduling of Batch Chemical Plants
BC Rawlings, V Avadiappan, S Lafortune, CT Maravelias, JM Wassick
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering 44, 2053-2058, 2018
Falsification of combined invariance and reachability specifications in hybrid control systems.
BC Rawlings, BE Ydstie
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 27 (2), 463-479, 2017
Discrete Dynamics in Chemical Process Control and Automation
B Rawlings
Symbolic Verification of Control Systems and Operating Procedures
BC Rawlings, J Kim, I Moon, BE Ydstie
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53 (13), 5299-5310, 2014
Error detection for chemical plant automation logic using supervisory control theory
BC Rawlings, JM Wassick, BE Ydstie
2015 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 376-381, 2015
Integration of Automation Logic and Scheduling for Real-Time Batch Chemical Plant Optimization
V Avadiappan, BC Rawlings, CT Maravelias, S Lafortune, JM Wassick, ...
2018 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2018
Verification of Control Systems with Discrete and Continuous Dynamics
C Bhomia, BC Rawlings, BE Ydstie
2017 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2017
Additional Tests Days for TCEQ 2010 Flare Study Project 10-009 (Task 2)
BC Rawlings, OA Ezekoye, TF Edgar
The Center for Energy and Environmental Resources, 2011
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Articles 1–15