Naresh Yandrapalli
Cited by
Cited by
Reversible pH responsive coacervate formation in lipid vesicles activates dormant enzymatic reactions
C Love, J Steinkühler, DT Gonzales, N Yandrapalli, T Robinson, ...
Angewandte Chemie, 2020
Optimization of the inverted emulsion method for high‐yield production of biomimetic giant unilamellar vesicles
A Moga, N Yandrapalli, R Dimova, T Robinson
ChemBioChem 20 (20), 2674-2682, 2019
Coxiella burnetii effector CvpB modulates phosphoinositide metabolism for optimal vacuole development
E Martinez, J Allombert, F Cantet, A Lakhani, N Yandrapalli, A Neyret, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (23), E3260-E3269, 2016
HIV-1 Gag specifically restricts PI (4, 5) P2 and cholesterol mobility in living cells creating a nanodomain platform for virus assembly
C Favard, J Chojnacki, P Merida, N Yandrapalli, J Mak, C Eggeling, ...
Science advances 5 (10), eaaw8651, 2019
Self assembly of HIV-1 Gag protein on lipid membranes generates PI(4,5)P2/Cholesterol nanoclusters
N Yandrapalli, Q Lubart, HS Tanwar, C Picart, J Mak, D Muriaux, C Favard
Scientific reports 6 (1), 39332, 2016
Influence of adsorption on proteins and amyloid detection by silicon nitride nanopore
S Balme, PE Coulon, M Lepoitevin, B Charlot, N Yandrapalli, C Favard, ...
Langmuir 32 (35), 8916-8925, 2016
Cell-free gene expression dynamics in synthetic cell populations
DT Gonzales, N Yandrapalli, T Robinson, C Zechner, TYD Tang
ACS synthetic biology 11 (1), 205-215, 2022
Surfactant-free production of biomimetic giant unilamellar vesicles using PDMS-based microfluidics
N Yandrapalli, J Petit, O Bäumchen, T Robinson
Communications Chemistry 4 (1), 100, 2021
Ultra-high capacity microfluidic trapping of giant vesicles for high-throughput membrane studies
N Yandrapalli, T Robinson
Lab on a Chip 19 (4), 626-633, 2019
Directed signaling cascades in monodisperse artificial eukaryotic cells
SC Shetty, N Yandrapalli, K Pinkwart, D Krafft, T Vidakovic-Koch, I Ivanov, ...
ACS nano 15 (10), 15656-15666, 2021
High-Temperature Thermo-Physical Properties of Novel CuO-Therminol®55 Nanofluids
RKS Naresh Y., Dhivya A., Suganthi K. S.
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 4 (12), 1209-1213, 2012
Graphitic carbon nitride stabilizers meet microfluidics: from stable emulsions to photoinduced synthesis of hollow polymer spheres
N Yandrapalli, T Robinson, M Antonietti, B Kumru
Small 16 (32), 2001180, 2020
Lipid domains in HIV-1 assembly
N Yandrapalli, D Muriaux, C Favard
Frontiers in Microbiology 5, 220, 2014
Photomanipulation of Minimal Synthetic Cells: Area Increase, Softening, and Interleaflet Coupling of Membrane Models Doped with Azobenzene‐Lipid Photoswitches
M Aleksanyan, A Grafmüller, F Crea, VN Georgiev, N Yandrapalli, S Block, ...
Advanced Science 10 (31), 2304336, 2023
On-chip inverted emulsion method for fast giant vesicle production, handling, and analysis
N Yandrapalli, T Seemann, T Robinson
Micromachines 11 (3), 285, 2020
Precipitation of calcium carbonate inside giant unilamellar vesicles composed of fluid-phase lipids
H Witt, N Yandrapalli, M Sari, L Turco, T Robinson, C Steinem
Langmuir 36 (44), 13244-13250, 2020
Dewetting‐Assisted Interface Templating: Complex Emulsions to Multicavity Particles
N Yandrapalli, M Antonietti
Advanced Science 9 (29), 2203265, 2022
One-pot Synthesis of oil dispersible ultra fine manganese (II) oxide nanoparticles
N Yandrapalli, KS Rajan
Asian Journal of Scientific Research 5 (4), 228-237, 2012
Microfluidic production, stability and loading of synthetic giant unilamellar vesicles
M Ernits, O Reinsalu, N Yandrapalli, S Kopanchuk, E Moradpur-Tari, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 14071, 2024
Surfactant-free production of biomimetic artificial cells using PDMS-based microfluidics
N Yandrapalli, J Petit, O Bäumchen, T Robinson
bioRxiv, 2020.10. 23.346932, 2020
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Articles 1–20