Liang Mei
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Cited by
Atmospheric aerosol monitoring by an elastic Scheimpflug lidar system
L Mei, M Brydegaard
Optics Express 23 (24), A1613-A1628, 2015
Continuous‐wave differential absorption lidar
L Mei, M Brydegaard
Laser & Photonics Reviews 9 (6), 629-636, 2015
Ppb-level detection of methane based on an optimized T-type photoacoustic cell and a NIR diode laser
Z Gong, T Gao, L Mei, K Chen, Y Chen, B Zhang, W Peng, Q Yu
Photoacoustics 21, 100216, 2021
Wavelength modulation spectroscopy–Digital detection of gas absorption harmonics based on Fourier analysis
L Mei, S Svanberg
Applied Optics 54 (9), 2234-2243, 2015
Atmospheric extinction coefficient retrieval and validation for the single-band Mie-scattering Scheimpflug lidar technique
L Mei, P Guan, Y Yang, Z Kong
Optics Express 25 (16), A628-A638, 2017
Integration of T-type half-open photoacoustic cell and fiber-optic acoustic sensor for trace gas detection
Z Gong, K Chen, Y Chen, L Mei, Q Yu
Optics Express 27 (13), 18222-18231, 2019
Remote sensing of atmospheric NO_2 by employing the continuous-wave differential absorption lidar technique
L Mei, P Guan, Z Kong
Optics Express 25 (20), A953-A962, 2017
Agricultural pest monitoring using fluorescence lidar techniques: Feasibility study
L Mei, ZG Guan, HJ Zhou, J Lv, ZR Zhu, JA Cheng, FJ Chen, C Löfstedt, ...
Applied Physics B 106, 733-740, 2012
Frame Integrated Wideband Dual-Polarized Arrays for Mm-Wave/Sub 6-GHz Mobile Handsets and Its User Effects
H Li, Y Cheng, L Mei, L Guo
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 14330-14340, 2020
Development of an atmospheric polarization Scheimpflug lidar system based on a time-division multiplexing scheme
L Mei, P Guan
Optics Letters 42 (18), 3562-3565, 2017
Tea classification and quality assessment using laser-induced fluorescence and chemometric evaluation
L Mei, P Lundin, M Brydegaard, S Gong, D Tang, G Somesfalean, S He, ...
Applied Optics 51 (7), 803-811, 2012
Noise modeling, evaluation and reduction for the atmospheric lidar technique employing an image sensor
L Mei, L Zhang, Z Kong, H Li
Optics Communications 426, 463-470, 2018
Mobile lidar system for environmental monitoring
G Zhao, M Lian, Y Li, Z Duan, S Zhu, L Mei, S Svanberg
Applied Optics 56 (5), 1506-1516, 2017
Differential absorption lidar system employed for background atomic mercury vertical profiling in South China
L Mei, G Zhao, S Svanberg
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 55, 128-135, 2014
All-optical high-sensitivity resonant photoacoustic sensor for remote CH4 gas detection
Z Gong, G Wu, X Jiang, H Li, T Gao, M Guo, F Ma, K Chen, L Mei, W Peng, ...
Optics Express 29 (9), 13600-13609, 2021
Implementation of a violet Scheimpflug lidar system for atmospheric aerosol studies
L Mei, Z Kong, P Guan
Optics express 26 (6), A260-A274, 2018
LED-induced fluorescence system for tea classification and quality assessment
Y Dong, X Liu, L Mei, C Feng, C Yan, S He
Journal of Food Engineering 137, 95-100, 2014
Highly Sensitive Photoacoustic Microcavity Gas Sensor for Leak Detection
K Chen, Y Chen, B Zhang, L Mei, M Guo, H Deng, S Liu, F Ma, Z Gong, ...
Sensors 20 (4), 1164, 2020
High-sensitivity miniature dual-resonance photoacoustic sensor based on silicon cantilever beam for trace gas sensing
G Wu, Z Gong, J Ma, H Li, M Guo, K Chen, W Peng, Q Yu, L Mei
Photoacoustics 27, 100386, 2022
Preliminary Studies on Atmospheric Monitoring by Employing a Portable Unmanned Mie-Scattering Scheimpflug Lidar System
Z Liu, L Li, H Li, L Mei
Remote Sensing 11 (7), 837, 2019
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Articles 1–20