Achille Assogbadjo
Achille Assogbadjo
Professeur de foresterie, University of Abomey Calavi
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Folk classification, perception, and preferences of baobab products in West Africa: consequences for species conservation and improvement
AE Assogbadjo, R Glèlè Kakaï, FJ Chadare, L Thomson, T Kyndt, B Sinsin, ...
Economic botany 62, 74-84, 2008
Local knowledge, pattern and diversity of use of Sclerocarya birrea
GN Gouwakinnou, AM Lykke, AE Assogbadjo, B Sinsin
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 7, 1-9, 2011
Patterns of Genetic and Morphometric Diversity in Baobab (Adansonia digitata) Populations Across Different Climatic Zones of Benin (West Africa)
AE Assogbadjo, T Kyndt, B Sinsin, G Gheysen, P Van Damme
Annals of botany 97 (5), 819-830, 2006
Diversité et valorisation au niveau local des ressources végétales forestières alimentaires du Bénin
JTC Codjia, AE Assogbadjo, MRM Ekué
Cahiers agricultures 12 (5), 321-331 (1), 2003
Women’s Traditional Knowledge, Use Value, and the Contribution of Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.) to Rural Households’ Cash Income in Benin
B Fandohan, AE Assogbadjo, RG Kakaï, T Kyndt, ED Caluwé, JTC Codjia, ...
Economic botany 64, 248-259, 2010
Status and utilisation of Moringa oleifera Lam: A review
K Gandji, FJ Chadare, R Idohou, VK Salako, AE Assogbadjo, RLG Kakaï
African Crop Science Journal 26 (1), 137-156, 2018
Tree species diversity promotes aboveground carbon storage through functional diversity and functional dominance
S Mensah, R Veldtman, AE Assogbadjo, R Glèlè Kakaï, T Seifert
Ecology and evolution 6 (20), 7546-7557, 2016
Ecological diversity and pulp, seed and kernel production of the baobab (Adansonia digitata) in Benin
AE ASSOGBADJC, B Sinsin, JTC Codjia, P Van Damme
Belgian Journal of Botany, 47-56, 2005
Dietary contribution of Wild Edible Plants to women’s diets in the buffer zone around the Lama forest, Benin–an underutilized potential
J Boedecker, C Termote, AE Assogbadjo, P Van Damme, C Lachat
Food Security 6, 833-849, 2014
Biodiversity and socioeconomic factors supporting farmers' choice of wild edible trees in the agroforestry systems of Benin (West Africa)
AE Assogbadjo, RG Kakaï, FG Vodouhê, C Djagoun, JTC Codjia, B Sinsin
Forest Policy and Economics 14 (1), 41-49, 2012
Ecosystem service importance and use vary with socio-environmental factors: A study from household-surveys in local communities of South Africa
S Mensah, R Veldtman, AE Assogbadjo, C Ham, RG Kakaï, T Seifert
Ecosystem services 23, 1-8, 2017
Ethnic differences in use value and use patterns of baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) in northern Benin
E De Caluwé, S De Smedt, AE Assogbadjo, R Samson, B Sinsin, ...
African Journal of Ecology 47 (3), 433-440, 2009
Tendances climatiques passées, modélisation, perceptions et adaptations locales au Bénin
CP Gnanglè, RG Kakaï, AE Assogbadjo, S Vodounnon, JA Yabi, ...
Climatologie 8, 27-40, 2011
Ethnic differences in use values and use patterns of Parkia biglobosa in Northern Benin
K Koura, JC Ganglo, AE Assogbadjo, C Agbangla
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 7, 1-12, 2011
Dendrometric characteristics as indicators of pressure of Afzelia africana Sm. dynamic changes in trees found in different climatic zones of Benin
B Sinsin, O Eyog Matig, AE Assogbadjo, OG Gaoué, T Sinadouwirou
Biodiversity & Conservation 13, 1555-1570, 2004
Characterisation of Afzelia africana Sm. habitat in the Lama forest reserve of Benin
W Bonou, RG Kakaï, AE Assogbadjo, HN Fonton, B Sinsin
Forest ecology and management 258 (7), 1084-1092, 2009
Ethnic differences in use value and use patterns of the threatened multipurpose scrambling shrub (Caesalpinia bonduc L.) in Benin
AE Assogbadjo, R Glèlè Kakaï, FH Adjallala, AF Azihou, GF Vodouhê, ...
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 5 (9), 1549-1557, 2011
Natural variation in fruit characteristics, seed germination and seedling growth of Adansonia digitata L. in Benin
AE Assogbadjo, R Glèlè Kakaï, S Edon, T Kyndt, B Sinsin
New Forests 41, 113-125, 2011
The future of food: Domestication and commercialization of indigenous food crops in Africa over the third decade (2012–2021)
RRB Leakey, ML Tientcheu Avana, NP Awazi, AE Assogbadjo, ...
Sustainability 14 (4), 2355, 2022
Caractères morphologiques et production des capsules de baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) au Bénin
AE Assogbadjo, B Sinsin, P Van Damme
Fruits 60 (5), 327-340, 2005
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