Chengli Shu
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Cited by
How green management influences product innovation in China: The role of institutional benefits
C Shu, KZ Zhou, Y Xiao, S Gao
Journal of business ethics 133, 471-485, 2016
Managerial ties and firm innovation: is knowledge creation a missing link?
C Shu, AL Page, S Gao, X Jiang
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (1), 125-143, 2012
Managing knowledge for innovation: The role of cooperation, competition, and alliance nationality
H Zhang, C Shu, X Jiang, AJ Malter
Journal of international marketing 18 (4), 74-94, 2010
Government institutional support, entrepreneurial orientation, strategic renewal, and firm performance in transitional China
C Shu, D De Clercq, Y Zhou, C Liu
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 25 (3), 433-456, 2019
Moderating effect of hedonism on store environment-impulse buying nexus
HBA Hashmi, C Shu, SW Haider
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 48 (5), 465-483, 2020
Managerial ties and product innovation: The moderating roles of macro-and micro-institutional environments
Y Gao, C Shu, X Jiang, S Gao, AL Page
Long Range Planning 50 (2), 168-183, 2017
Green management, firm innovations, and environmental turbulence
Y Zhou, C Shu, W Jiang, S Gao
Business Strategy and the Environment 28 (4), 567-581, 2019
Firm patenting, innovations, and government institutional support as a double‐edged sword
C Shu, Q Wang, S Gao, C Liu
Journal of Product Innovation Management 32 (2), 290-305, 2015
A contingent view of partner coopetition in international joint ventures
C Shu, JL Jin, KZ Zhou
Journal of International Marketing 25 (3), 42-60, 2017
The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship in alliances
C Shu, C Liu, S Gao, M Shanley
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 38 (4), 913-940, 2014
Product newness and product performance in new ventures: Contingent roles of market knowledge breadth and tacitness
JL Jin, C Shu, KZ Zhou
Industrial Marketing Management 76, 231-241, 2019
Why firms go green and how green impacts financial and innovation performance differently: An awareness-motivation-capability perspective
C Shu, M Zhao, J Liu, W Lindsay
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 37 (3), 795-821, 2020
Business model innovations in China: A focus on value propositions
Y Yi, Y Wang, C Shu
Business Horizons 63 (6), 787-799, 2020
Pursuing sustainable development through green entrepreneurship: An institutional perspective
M Zhao, J Liu, C Shu
Business Strategy and the Environment 30 (8), 4281-4296, 2021
Proactive environmental strategy and firm performance: The moderating role of corporate venturing
C Shu, J Liu, M Zhao, P Davidsson
International Small Business Journal 38 (7), 654-676, 2020
Sustainability orientation, the adoption of 3D printing technologies, and new product performance: A cross-institutional study of American and Indian firms
M Zhao, J Yang, C Shu, J Liu
Technovation 101, 102197, 2021
How do Islamic values influence CSR? A systematic literature review of studies from 1995–2020
C Shu, HBA Hashmi, Z Xiao, SW Haider, M Nasir
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-24, 2021
R&D, networking expenses, and firm performance: An integration of the inside-out and outside-in perspectives
J Liu, S Sheng, C Shu, M Zhao
Industrial Marketing Management 92, 111-121, 2021
State ownership of Chinese firms and their outward foreign direct investment: Political and economic contingencies
RW Tang, C Shu, KZ Zhou
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 39 (3), 1097-1123, 2022
Overcoming organizational politics with tenacity and passion for work: benefits for helping behaviors
D De Clercq, C Shu, M Gu
Personnel Review 52 (1), 1-25, 2023
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Articles 1–20