Nina Knoll
Cited by
Cited by
Functional roles of social support within the stress and coping process: A theoretical and empirical overview
R Schwarzer, N Knoll
International journal of psychology 42 (4), 243-252, 2007
Positive coping: Mastering demands and searching for meaning.
R Schwarzer, N Knoll
American Psychological Association, 2003
Social support
R Schwarzer, N Knoll, N Rieckmann
Health psychology 158, 181, 2004
Einführung Gesundheitspsychologie: Mit einem Vorwort von Ralf Schwarzer, Mit 26 Abb., 5 Tabellen und 52 Fragen zum Lernstoff
N Knoll, U Scholz, N Rieckmann
Utb, 2017
Coping as a mediator between personality and stress outcomes: a longitudinal study with cataract surgery patients
N Knoll, N Rieckmann, R Schwarzer
European Journal of Personality 19 (3), 229-247, 2005
Received social support, self-efficacy, and finding benefits in disease as predictors of physical functioning and adherence to antiretroviral therapy
A Luszczynska, Y Sarkar, N Knoll
Patient Education and Counseling 66 (1), 37-42, 2007
Social support and quality of life among lung cancer patients: a systematic review
A Luszczynska, I Pawlowska, R Cieslak, N Knoll, U Scholz
Psycho‐oncology 22 (10), 2160-2168, 2013
Gender and age differences in domain-specific life satisfaction and the impact of depressive and anxiety symptoms: a general population survey from Germany
I Daig, P Herschbach, A Lehmann, N Knoll, O Decker
Quality of Life Research 18, 669-678, 2009
Dispositional self-efficacy as a personal resource factor in coping after surgery
R Schwarzer, S Boehmer, A Luszczynska, NE Mohamed, N Knoll
Personality and individual differences 39 (4), 807-818, 2005
Soziale Ressourcen und Gesundheit: soziale Unterstützung und dyadisches Bewältigen
R Kienle, N Knoll, B Renneberg
Gesundheitspsychologie, 107-122, 2006
Changes in finding benefit after cancer surgery and the prediction of well-being one year later
R Schwarzer, A Luszczynska, S Boehmer, S Taubert, N Knoll
Social Science & Medicine 63 (6), 1614-1624, 2006
Age and body make a difference in optimistic health beliefs and nutrition behaviors
B Renner, N Knoll, R Schwarzer
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 7, 143-159, 2000
Physical activity among adults with obesity: testing the Health Action Process Approach.
L Parschau, M Barz, J Richert, N Knoll, S Lippke, R Schwarzer
Rehabilitation psychology 59 (1), 42, 2014
Fast-track surgery in laparoscopic radical prostatectomy: basic principles
O Gralla, F Haas, N Knoll, D Hadzidiakos, M Tullmann, A Romer, S Deger, ...
World journal of urology 25, 185-191, 2007
The cognitive regulation of emotions: The role of success versus failure experience and coping dispositions
HW Krohne, M Pieper, N Knoll, N Breimer
Cognition & Emotion 16 (2), 217-243, 2002
Physical activity and depressive symptoms in cardiac rehabilitation: long-term effects of a self-management intervention
U Scholz, N Knoll, FF Sniehotta, R Schwarzer
Social Science & Medicine 62 (12), 3109-3120, 2006
Positive experience, self‐efficacy, and action control predict physical activity changes: A moderated mediation analysis
L Parschau, L Fleig, M Koring, D Lange, N Knoll, R Schwarzer, S Lippke
British journal of health psychology 18 (2), 395-406, 2013
Sedentary behaviours and health-related quality of life. A systematic review and meta-analysis
M Boberska, Z Szczuka, M Kruk, N Knoll, J Keller, DH Hohl, ...
Health psychology review 12 (2), 195-210, 2018
Gender and age differences in social support: A study of East German migrants
N Knoll, R Schwarzer
Heart disease: Environment, stress and gender 327, 198-210, 2002
Does Social Support Really Help to Eat a Low‐Fat Diet? Main Effects and Gender Differences of Received Social Support within the H ealth A ction P rocess A pproach
U Scholz, S Ochsner, R Hornung, N Knoll
Applied Psychology: Health and Well‐Being 5 (2), 270-290, 2013
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Articles 1–20