Stefan Blawid
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Cited by
Reentrant charge order transition in the extended Hubbard model
R Pietig, R Bulla, S Blawid
Physical review letters 82 (20), 4046, 1999
COOS: a wave-function based Schrödinger–Poisson solver for ballistic nanotube transistors
M Claus, S Mothes, S Blawid, M Schröter
Journal of Computational Electronics 13 (3), 689-700, 2014
Periodic Anderson model with correlated conduction electrons
T Schork, S Blawid
Physical Review B 56 (11), 6559, 1997
Gap to transition-temperature ratio in density-wave ordering: A dynamical mean-field study
S Blawid, A Millis
Physical Review B 62 (4), 2424, 2000
Quantum phonons and the charge-density-wave transition temperature: A dynamical mean-field study
S Blawid, AJ Millis
Physical Review B 63 (11), 115114, 2001
Kondo lattice model with correlated conduction electrons
T Schork, S Blawid, J Igarashi
Physical Review B 59 (15), 9888, 1999
High-frequency ballistic transport phenomena in Schottky barrier CNTFETs
M Claus, S Blawid, S Mothes, M Schroter
IEEE transactions on electron devices 59 (10), 2610-2618, 2012
Electronic and structural properties of the natural dyes curcumin, bixin and indigo
L Michels, A Richter, RK Chellappan, HI Røst, A Behsen, KH Wells, L Leal, ...
RSC advances 11 (23), 14169-14177, 2021
Reconfigurable NanoFETs: Performance projections for multiple-top-gate architectures
R Moura, N Tiencken, S Mothes, M Claus, S Blawid
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 17 (3), 467-474, 2018
Performance projections for a reconfigurable tunnel NanoFET
S Blawid, DLM de Andrade, S Mothes, M Claus
IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society 5 (6), 473-479, 2017
Device and a method and mask for forming a device
L Lattard, M Roessiger, L Bauch, S Blawid, M Gutsch
US Patent App. 11/375,912, 2007
Benchmarking contact quality in N-type organic thin film transistors through an improved virtual-source emission-diffusion model
NJ Dallaire, S Brixi, M Claus, S Blawid, BH Lessard
Applied Physics Reviews 9 (1), 2022
Impact of injection limitations on the contact resistance and the carrier mobility of organic field effect transistors
S Donnhäuser, A Pacheco-Sanchez, K Haase, SCB Mannsfeld, M Claus, ...
Organic Electronics 99, 106343, 2021
Impact of near-contact barriers on the subthreshold slope of short-channel CNTFETs
M Claus, S Blawid, M Schröter
2013 International Conference on Simulation of Semiconductor Processes and …, 2013
Semiclassical approach to calculating the influence of local lattice fluctuations on electronic properties of metals
S Blawid, A Deppeler, AJ Millis
Physical Review B 67 (16), 165105, 2003
Towards a multiscale modeling framework for metal-CNT interfaces
M Claus, A Fediai, S Mothes, J Knoch, D Ryndyk, S Blawid, G Cuniberti, ...
2014 International Workshop on Computational Electronics (IWCE), 1-3, 2014
Method and System for Adjusting an Optical Model
R Pforr, T Winkler, R Ziebold, W Kostler, J Reichelt, S Blawid, ...
US Patent App. 11/760,295, 2008
Metal-insulator transitions due to self-doping
S Blawid, HA Tuan, T Yanagisawa, P Fulde
Physical Review B 54 (11), 7771, 1996
Modeling organic thin-film transistors based on the virtual source concept: A case study
AA Lima, S Blawid
Solid-State Electronics 161, 107639, 2019
Phenomenological modeling of charge injection-beyond the schottky barrier paradigm
S Blawid, M Claus, M Schröter
ECS Transactions 49 (1), 85, 2012
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Articles 1–20