Pascal de Koster
Cited by
Cited by
Extension of B-spline Material Point Method for unstructured triangular grids using Powell–Sabin splines
P de Koster, R Tielen, E Wobbes, M Möller
Computational Particle Mechanics 8 (2), 273-288, 2021
Dispersion and nonlinearity identification for single-mode fibers using the nonlinear Fourier transform
P De Koster, S Wahls
Journal of Lightwave Technology 38 (12), 3252-3260, 2020
Experimental validation of nonlinear Fourier transform-based Kerr-nonlinearity identification over a 1600 km SSMF link
P De Koster, J Koch, O Schulz, S Pachnicke, S Wahls
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, W2A. 39, 2022
Fast and reliable detection of significant solitons in signals with large time-bandwidth products
P de Koster, S Wahls
Journal of Lightwave Technology 41 (20), 6586-6598, 2023
Experimental investigation of nonlinear Fourier transform based fibre nonlinearity characterisation
P de Koster, J Koch, S Pachnicke, S Wahls
2021 European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 1-4, 2021
Data-driven identification of the spectral operator in AKNS Lax pairs using conserved quantities
P de Koster, S Wahls
Wave Motion 127, 103273, 2024
Fibre model identification for nonlinear Fourier transform-based transmission
PBJ de Koster, S Wahls
Proceedings of the 45th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2019
Towards a material point method with Powell-Sabin spline basis functions
PBJ de Koster
Fast single-mode fiber nonlinearity monitoring: An experimental comparison between split-step and nonlinear Fourier transform-based methods
P De Koster, O Schulz, J Koch, S Pachnicke, S Wahls
IEEE Photonics Journal 15 (6), 1-13, 2023
Water-depth identification from free-surface data using the KdV-based nonlinear Fourier transform
P de Koster, M Brühl, S Wahls
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 85901 …, 2022
Towards a material point method with C1-continuous Powell–Sabin spline basis functions on unstructured triangulations
P De Koster, R Tielen, E Wobbes, M Möller
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.01169, 2019
B-spline MPM in 2D and 3D
P De Koster, M Möller, V Galavi
Delft, University of Technology, 2018
Strengthening the integrality gap for the capacitated facility location problem with LP-based rounding algorithms
PBJ de Koster
Extending 1D B-spline basis MPM to higher dimensional problems
PBJ de Koster
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Articles 1–14