Raspberry Simpson
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Cited by
Accelerating the rate of discovery: Toward high-repetition-rate HED science
T Ma, D Mariscal, R Anirudh, T Bremer, BZ Djordjevic, T Galvin, E Grace, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 (10), 104003, 2021
Modeling laser-driven ion acceleration with deep learning
BZ Djordjević, AJ Kemp, J Kim, RA Simpson, SC Wilks, T Ma, DA Mariscal
Physics of Plasmas 28 (4), 2021
Characterizing quantum-dot-doped liquid scintillator for applications to neutrino detectors
L Winslow, R Simpson
Journal of Instrumentation 7 (07), P07010, 2012
Scaling of laser-driven electron and proton acceleration as a function of laser pulse duration, energy, and intensity in the multi-picosecond regime
RA Simpson, GG Scott, D Mariscal, D Rusby, PM King, E Grace, ...
Physics of Plasmas 28 (1), 2021
On three-dimensional reconstruction of a neutron/x-ray source from very few two-dimensional projections
PL Volegov, CR Danly, FE Merrill, R Simpson, CH Wilde
Journal of Applied Physics 118 (20), 2015
Direct measurements of DT fuel preheat from hot electrons in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion
AR Christopherson, R Betti, CJ Forrest, J Howard, W Theobald, ...
Physical review letters 127 (5), 055001, 2021
Demonstration of transmission high energy electron microscopy
FE Merrill, J Goett, JW Gibbs, SD Imhoff, FG Mariam, CL Morris, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (14), 2018
Combined neutron and x-ray imaging at the National Ignition Facility
CR Danly, K Christensen, VE Fatherley, DN Fittinghoff, GP Grim, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (11), 2016
Thermal decoupling of deuterium and tritium during the inertial confinement fusion shock-convergence phase
NV Kabadi, R Simpson, PJ Adrian, A Bose, JA Frenje, M Gatu Johnson, ...
Physical Review E 104 (1), L013201, 2021
Development of a deep learning based automated data analysis for step-filter x-ray spectrometers in support of high-repetition rate short-pulse laser-driven acceleration …
RA Simpson, D Mariscal, GJ Williams, GG Scott, E Grace, T Ma
Review of Scientific Instruments 92 (7), 2021
Design of flexible proton beam imaging energy spectrometers (PROBIES)
DA Mariscal, BZ Djordjevíc, ES Grace, R Hollinger, T Ma, GG Scott, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 (11), 114003, 2021
Demonstration of a time-integrated short line of sight neutron imaging system for inertial confinement fusion
R Simpson, K Christensen, C Danly, VE Fatherley, D Fittinghoff, GP Grim, ...
Review of scientific instruments 86 (12), 2015
Demonstration of TNSA proton radiography on the national ignition facility advanced radiographic capability (NIF-ARC) laser
RA Simpson, DA Mariscal, J Kim, GG Scott, GJ Williams, E Grace, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 (12), 124006, 2021
Simultaneous neutron and x-ray imaging of inertial confinement fusion experiments along a single line of sight at Omega
CR Danly, TH Day, DN Fittinghoff, H Herrmann, N Izumi, YH Kim, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (4), 2015
Inference of the electron temperature in inertial confinement fusion implosions from the hard X‐ray spectral continuum
G Kagan, OL Landen, D Svyatskiy, H Sio, NV Kabadi, RA Simpson, ...
Contributions to Plasma Physics 59 (2), 181-188, 2019
Characterizing the acceleration time of laser-driven ion acceleration with data-informed neural networks
BZ Djordjević, AJ Kemp, J Kim, J Ludwig, RA Simpson, SC Wilks, T Ma, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 (9), 094005, 2021
Design study of a combined interferometer and polarimeter for a high-field, compact tokamak
AJ Creely, LM Milanese, EA Tolman, JH Irby, SB Ballinger, S Frank, ...
Physics of Plasmas 27 (4), 2020
Neutron diagnostics for the physics of a high-field, compact, Q≥ 1 tokamak
RA Tinguely, A Rosenthal, R Simpson, SB Ballinger, AJ Creely, S Frank, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 143, 212-225, 2019
Multi-GeV electron radiography for measurements of fast dynamic systems
FE Merrill, J Fabritius, FG Mariam, D Poulson, R Simpson, P Walstrom, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1793 (1), 2017
Rapid retrieval of first-order spatiotemporal distortions for ultrashort laser pulses
ES Grace, T Ma, Z Guang, RA Simpson, GG Scott, D Mariscal, B Stuart, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 63 (12), 124005, 2021
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Articles 1–20