Sam Murphy
Sam Murphy
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Analytics4Action Evaluation Framework: A Review of Evidence-Based Learning Analytics Interventions at the Open University UK.
B Rienties, A Boroowa, S Cross, C Kubiak, K Mayles, S Murphy
Journal of Interactive Media in Education 2016 (1), 2016
New understandings of fathers’ experiences of grief and loss following stillbirth and neonatal death: a scoping review
K Jones, M Robb, S Murphy, A Davies
Midwifery 79, 102531, 2019
The psychological, social, and economic impact of stillbirth on families
S Murphy, J Cacciatore
Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine 22 (3), 129-134, 2017
Reclaiming a moral identity: stillbirth, stigma and ‘moral mothers’
S Murphy
Midwifery 28 (4), 476-480, 2012
Learning from deaths: Parents’ Active Role and ENgagement in The review of their Stillbirth/perinatal death (the PARENTS 1 study)
D Bakhbakhi, D Siassakos, C Burden, F Jones, F Yoward, M Redshaw, ...
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 17, 1-6, 2017
Finding the positive in loss: stillbirth and its potential for parental empowerment
SL Murphy
Bereavement Care 31 (3), 98-103, 2012
By the way knowledge: Grandparents, stillbirth and neonatal death
S Murphy, KS Jones
Human Fertility 17 (3), 210-213, 2014
Stillbirth and loss: Family practices and display
S Murphy, H Thomas
Sociological Research Online 18 (1), 27-37, 2013
Bereaved parents: a contradiction in terms?
S Murphy
Understanding Reproductive Loss, 117-128, 2016
“I'd failed to produce a baby and I'd failed to notice when the baby was in distress”: The social construction of bereaved motherhood
S Murphy
Women's Studies International Forum 74, 35-41, 2019
Unpacking sensitive research: A stimulating exploration of an established concept
S Mallon, E Borgstrom, S Murphy
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 24 (5), 517-521, 2021
Parenting the stillborn: gender, identity and bereavement
SL Murphy
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2009
Researching perinatal death: managing the myriad of emotions in the field
K Jones, S Murphy
International Journal of Social Research Methodology 24 (5), 603-615, 2021
Lost futures: Stillbirth and the social construction of grief
SL Murphy
Lambert Academic Press, 2010
Case study: what supports students to improve their grades?
S Sieminski, J Messenger, S Murphy
Assessment in Open, Distance, and e-Learning, 55-65, 2020
Exploring the experiences of distance learning students being supported to resubmit a final assignment following a fail result
V Mitchell, E Borgstrom, S Murphy, C Campbell, S Sieminski, S Fraser
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 49 (2), 190-202, 2024
Unpacking Sensitive Research: Epistemological and Methodological Implications
E Borgstrom, S Mallon, S Murphy
Routledge, 2022
‘We can't play with them, but we can play for them’: Fathers uniting in grief through football
K Jones, S Murphy, M Robb
Men and Loss, 201-212, 2024
Support after stillbirth: Findings from the Parent Voices Initiative Global Registry Project
VP Hardy, A Beedle, S Murphy, C Storey, N Aggarwal, R Dandona, A Dev, ...
Bereavement 2, 2023
Improving Feedback for EMA Resubmissions: PRAXIS Scholarship Project Stage 1 Report
E Borgstrom, V Mitchell, S Fraser, S Siemenski, C Campbell, V Saunders, ...
Milton Keynes: The Open University. https://www. open. ac. uk/scholarship …, 2006
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