Amandine Bellec
Amandine Bellec
Chargée de Recherches CNRS, Université Paris Cité
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Cited by
Molecular-scale dynamics of light-induced spin cross-over in a two-dimensional layer
K Bairagi, O Iasco, A Bellec, A Kartsev, D Li, J Lagoute, C Chacon, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 12212, 2016
Tuning the magnetic anisotropy at a molecule-metal interface
K Bairagi, A Bellec, V Repain, C Chacon, Y Girard, Y Garreau, J Lagoute, ...
Physical review letters 114 (24), 247203, 2015
Charge transfer and electronic doping in nitrogen-doped graphene
F Joucken, Y Tison, P Le Fèvre, A Tejeda, A Taleb-Ibrahimi, E Conrad, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 14564, 2015
Solution-growth kinetics and thermodynamics of nanoporous self-assembled molecular monolayers
A Bellec, C Arrigoni, G Schull, L Douillard, C Fiorini-Debuisschert, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (12), 2011
Imaging molecular orbitals by scanning tunneling microscopy on a passivated semiconductor
A Bellec, F Ample, D Riedel, G Dujardin, C Joachim
Nano letters 9 (1), 144-147, 2009
Electronic interaction between nitrogen-doped graphene and porphyrin molecules
VD Pham, J Lagoute, O Mouhoub, F Joucken, V Repain, C Chacon, ...
ACS nano 8 (9), 9403-9409, 2014
The disentangling of hysteretic spin transition, polymorphism and metastability in bistable thin films formed by sublimation of bis (scorpionate) Fe (II) molecules
O Iasco, ML Boillot, A Bellec, R Guillot, E Rivière, S Mazerat, S Nowak, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (42), 11067-11075, 2017
Anomalous light‐induced spin‐state switching for iron (II) spin‐crossover molecules in direct contact with metal surfaces
L Zhang, Y Tong, M Kelai, A Bellec, J Lagoute, C Chacon, Y Girard, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (32), 13341-13346, 2020
Nonlocal Activation of a Bistable Atom through a Surface State Charge-Transfer Process on
A Bellec, D Riedel, G Dujardin, O Boudrioua, L Chaput, L Stauffer, ...
Physical review letters 105 (4), 048302, 2010
Electronic properties of the -doped hydrogenated silicon (100) surface and dehydrogenated structures at 5 K
A Bellec, D Riedel, G Dujardin, O Boudrioua, L Chaput, L Stauffer, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (24), 245434, 2009
Molecular electronics: Scanning tunneling microscopy and single-molecule devices
A Bellec, J Lagoute, V Repain
Comptes Rendus Chimie 21 (12), 1287-1299, 2018
Importance of epitaxial strain at a spin-crossover molecule–metal interface
C Fourmental, S Mondal, R Banerjee, A Bellec, Y Garreau, A Coati, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (14), 4103-4109, 2019
Temperature-, Light-, and Soft X-ray-Induced Spin Crossover in a Single Layer of FeII-Pyrazolylborate Molecules in Direct Contact with Gold
K Bairagi, A Bellec, C Fourmental, O Iasco, J Lagoute, C Chacon, Y Girard, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (1), 727-731, 2018
Dihydride dimer structures on the Si (100): H surface studied by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy
A Bellec, D Riedel, G Dujardin, N Rompotis, LN Kantorovich
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (16), 165302, 2008
Reversible charge storage in a single silicon atom
A Bellec, L Chaput, G Dujardin, D Riedel, L Stauffer, P Sonnet
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (24), 241406, 2013
Domain wall structure in magnetic bilayers with perpendicular anisotropy
A Bellec, S Rohart, M Labrune, J Miltat, A Thiaville
Europhysics Letters 91 (1), 17009, 2010
Thermal Bistability of an Ultrathin Film of Iron (II) Spin-Crossover Molecules Directly Adsorbed on a Metal Surface
M Kelai, V Repain, A Tauzin, W Li, Y Girard, J Lagoute, S Rousset, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (26), 6152-6158, 2021
Experimental and theoretical investigations of magnetic anisotropy and magnetic hardening at molecule/ferromagnet interfaces
K Bairagi, A Bellec, V Repain, C Fourmental, C Chacon, Y Girard, ...
Physical Review B 98 (8), 085432, 2018
Voltage-Induced Bistability of Single Spin-Crossover Molecules in a Two-Dimensional Monolayer
Y Tong, M Kelaï, K Bairagi, V Repain, J Lagoute, Y Girard, S Rousset, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (45), 11029-11034, 2021
STM study of C60F18 high dipole moment molecules on Au (111)
K Bairagi, A Bellec, RG Chumakov, KA Menshikov, J Lagoute, C Chacon, ...
Surface Science 641, 248-251, 2015
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Articles 1–20