Joseph A. Aistrup
Joseph A. Aistrup
Professor of Political Science, Auburn University
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The southern strategy revisited: Republican top-down advancement in the South
JA Aistrup
University Press of Kentucky, 2014
Endogenizing culture in sustainability science research and policy
MM Caldas, MR Sanderson, M Mather, MD Daniels, JS Bergtold, J Aistrup, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (27), 8157-8159, 2015
Constituency diversity and party competition: A county and state level analysis
JA Aistrup
Political Research Quarterly 57 (2), 267-281, 2004
Evaluating environmental change and behavioral decision-making for sustainability policy using an agent-based model: A case study for the Smoky Hill River Watershed, Kansas
G Granco, JLH Stamm, JS Bergtold, MD Daniels, MR Sanderson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 695, 133769, 2019
Climate change beliefs in an agricultural context: what is the role of values held by farming and non-farming groups?
MR Sanderson, JS Bergtold, JL Heier Stamm, MM Caldas, SM Ramsey, ...
Climatic Change 150, 259-272, 2018
State legislative party competition: A county-level measure
JA Aistrup
Political Research Quarterly 46 (2), 433-446, 1993
The 1989 elections to the congress of people's deputies in Moscow
B Kiernan, J Aistrup
Soviet Studies 43 (6), 1049-1064, 1991
Southern Political Exceptionalism? Presidential Voting in the South and Non‐South*
JA Aistrup
Social Science Quarterly 91 (4), 906-927, 2010
Kansas Politics and Government: The Clash of Political Cultures
HE Flentje, JA Aistrup
U of Nebraska Press, 2010
Republican contestation of US State Senate elections in the South
JA Aistrup
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 227-245, 1990
Hyper-extractive counties in the US: A coupled-systems approach
JA Aistrup, LJ Kulcsár, JA Mauslein, S Beach, DR Steward
Applied Geography 37, 88-100, 2013
Racism, Resentment, and Regionalism: The South and the Nation in the 2008 Presidential Election
JA Airstrup
American Review of Politics 32, 131-154, 2011
Conserving the Ogallala Aquifer in southwestern Kansas: From the wells to people, a holistic coupled natural–human model
JA Aistrup, T Bulatewicz, LJ Kulcsar, JM Peterson, SM Welch, DR Steward
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (12), 6167-6183, 2017
Water and society: Interdisciplinary education in natural resources
LJ Kulcsar, JA Aistrup, T Bulatewicz, JM Peterson, SM Welch, DR Steward
Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 158 (1), 120-131, 2016
The Value of Ogallala Aquifer Water in Southwest Kansas
P Gilson, B Zollinger, JA Aistrup, J Heinrichs
Fort Hays State University, the Docking Institute of Public Affairs, Center …, 2001
The Legacy of Race in 2008
JA Aistrup, EF Kisangani, RL Piri
Presidential Election in the South: Putting, 233-50, 2008
Defining the available labor pool: The Kansas labor force survey
JA Aistrup, B Zollinger, MS Walker
Economic Development Quarterly 17 (3), 220-239, 2003
Top-Down Republican Party Development in the South: A Test of Schlesinger’s Theory
JA Aistrup
annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, 1989
Dobbs, American Federalism, and State Abortion Policymaking: Restrictive Policies Alongside Expansion of Reproductive Rights
MK Mayer, JC Morris, JA Aistrup, RB Anderson, RC Kenter
Publius: The Journal of Federalism 53 (3), 378-404, 2023
Structured Partisan Competition: A Vote Shares Model of Party Alignments and Realignments
J Aistrup
Social science quarterly 93 (3), 750-778, 2012
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Articles 1–20