Hongyu Liu
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Cited by
Uniqueness in an inverse acoustic obstacle scattering problem for both sound-hard and sound-soft polyhedral scatterers
H Liu, J Zou
Inverse Problems 22 (2), 515, 2006
Determining both sound speed and internal source in thermo-and photo-acoustic tomography
H Liu, G Uhlmann
Inverse Problems 31 (10), 105005, 2015
Virtual reshaping and invisibility in obstacle scattering
H Liu
Inverse Problems 25 (4), 045006, 2009
Reflection principle for the Maxwell equations and its application to inverse electromagnetic scattering
H Liu, M Yamamoto, J Zou
Inverse Problems 23 (6), 2357, 2007
Simultaneously recovering potentials and embedded obstacles for anisotropic fractional Schr\" odinger operators
X Cao, YH Lin, H Liu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.00937, 2017
Strengthened linear sampling method with a reference ball
J Li, H Liu, J Zou
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (6), 4013-4040, 2010
Scattering by curvatures, radiationless sources, transmission eigenfunctions, and inverse scattering problems
ELK Blåsten, H Liu
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 53 (4), 3801-3837, 2021
Locating multiple multiscale acoustic scatterers
J Li, H Liu, J Zou
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 12 (3), 927-952, 2014
A neural network scheme for recovering scattering obstacles with limited phaseless far-field data
W Yin, W Yang, H Liu
Journal of Computational Physics 417, 109594, 2020
The multi-symplecticity of partitioned Runge-Kutta methods for Hamiltonian PDEs
J Hong, H Liu, G Sun
Mathematics of computation 75 (253), 167-181, 2006
Mosco convergence for (curl) spaces, higher integrability for Maxwell's equations, and stability in direct and inverse EM scattering problems
H Liu, L Rondi, J Xiao
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 21 (10), 2945-2993, 2019
Plasmon resonance with finite frequencies: a validation of the quasi-static approximation for diametrically small inclusions
K Ando, H Kang, H Liu
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 76 (2), 731-749, 2016
Recovering piecewise constant refractive indices by a single far-field pattern
E Blåsten, H Liu
Inverse Problems 36 (8), 085005, 2020
On an artificial neural network for inverse scattering problems
Y Gao, H Liu, X Wang, K Zhang
Journal of Computational Physics 448, 110771, 2022
Fourier method for recovering acoustic sources from multi-frequency far-field data
X Wang, Y Guo, D Zhang, H Liu
Inverse Problems 33 (3), 035001, 2017
Two single-shot methods for locating multiple electromagnetic scatterers
J Li, H Liu, Z Shang, H Sun
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 73 (4), 1721-1746, 2013
Recovering multiscale buried anomalies in a two-layered medium
J Li, P Li, H Liu, X Liu
Inverse Problems 31 (10), 105006, 2015
Multilevel linear sampling method for inverse scattering problems
J Li, H Liu, J Zou
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (3), 1228-1250, 2008
Zeros of the Bessel and spherical Bessel functions and their applications for uniqueness in inverse acoustic obstacle scattering
H Liu, J Zou
IMA journal of applied mathematics 72 (6), 817-831, 2007
On corners scattering stably and stable shape determination by a single far-field pattern
ELK Blåsten, H Liu
Indiana University Mathematics Journal 70 (3), 907-947, 2021
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Articles 1–20