Thomas Jahns
Thomas Jahns
Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison
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Pulsating torque minimization techniques for permanent magnet AC motor drives-a review
TM Jahns, WL Soong
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 43 (2), 321-330, 1996
Interior permanent-magnet synchronous motors for adjustable-speed drives
TM Jahns, GB Kliman, TW Neumann
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 738-747, 1986
Flux-weakening regime operation of an interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor drive
TM Jahns
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 681-689, 1987
Fault tolerant three-phase AC motor drive topologies: a comparison of features, cost, and limitations
BA Welchko, TA Lipo, TM Jahns, SE Schulz
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 19 (4), 1108-1116, 2004
Improved reliability in solid-state AC drives by means of multiple independent phase drive units
TM Jahns
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 321-331, 1980
Optimal flux weakening in surface PM machines using fractional-slot concentrated windings
AM El-Refaie, TM Jahns
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 41 (3), 790-800, 2005
Initial rotor position estimation of an interior permanent-magnet synchronous machine using carrier-frequency injection methods
Y Jeong, RD Lorenz, TM Jahns, SK Sul
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 41 (1), 38-45, 2005
Comparison of Grid Following and Grid Forming Control for a High Inverter Penetration Power System
D Pattabiraman, RH Lasseter, TM Jahns
2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2018
Six-phase voltage source inverter driven induction motor
MA Abbas, R Christen, TM Jahns
IEEE Transactions on industry applications, 1251-1259, 1984
Comparison of interior and surface PM machines equipped with fractional-slot concentrated windings for hybrid traction applications
PB Reddy, AM El-Refaie, KK Huh, JK Tangudu, TM Jahns
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 27 (3), 593-602, 2012
Comparison of interior and surface PM machines equipped with fractional-slot concentrated windings for hybrid traction applications
PB Reddy, A El-Refaie, KK Huh, JK Tangudu, TM Jahns
2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2252-2259, 2011
Motion control with permanent-magnet AC machines
TM Jahns
Proceedings of the IEEE 82 (8), 1241-1252, 1994
Analysis of surface permanent magnet machines with fractional-slot concentrated windings
AM El-Refaie, TM Jahns, DW Novotny
IEEE Transactions on Energy conversion 21 (1), 34-43, 2006
Torque production in permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives with rectangular current excitation
TM Jahns
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 803-813, 1984
IPM Synchronous Machine Drive Response to Symmetrical and Asynunetrical Short Circuit Faults
BA Welchko, TM Jahns, WL Soong, JM Nagashima
IEEE Power Engineering Review 22 (10), 57-57, 2002
IPM synchronous machine drive response to symmetrical and asymmetrical short circuit faults
BA Welchko, TM Jahns, WL Soong, JM Nagashima
IEEE Transactions on energy conversion 18 (2), 291-298, 2003
Evolving and emerging applications of power electronics in systems
JG Kassakian, TM Jahns
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 1 (2), 47-58, 2013
Four-quadrant sensorless brushless ECM drive
RC Becerra, TM Jahns, M Ehsani
[Proceedings] APEC'91: Sixth Annual Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 1991
A novel method for initial rotor position estimation for IPM synchronous machine drives
H Kim, KK Huh, RD Lorenz, TM Jahns
IEEE, 2004
A novel method for initial rotor position estimation for IPM synchronous machine drives
H Kim, KK Huh, RD Lorenz, TM Jahns
38th IAS Annual Meeting on Conference Record of the Industry Applications …, 2003
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Articles 1–20