The structure of the protein universe and genome evolution EV Koonin, YI Wolf, GP Karev Nature 420 (6912), 218-223, 2002 | 708 | 2002 |
The universal distribution of evolutionary rates of genes and distinct characteristics of eukaryotic genes of different apparent ages YI Wolf, PS Novichkov, GP Karev, EV Koonin, DJ Lipman Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (18), 7273-7280, 2009 | 275 | 2009 |
Parametric analysis of the ratio-dependent predator–prey model F Berezovskaya, G Karev, R Arditi Journal of mathematical biology 43, 221-246, 2001 | 236 | 2001 |
Birth and death of protein domains: a simple model of evolution explains power law behavior GP Karev, YI Wolf, AY Rzhetsky, FS Berezovskaya, EV Koonin BMC evolutionary biology 2, 1-26, 2002 | 225 | 2002 |
Biological applications of the theory of birth-and-death processes AS Novozhilov, GP Karev, EV Koonin Briefings in bioinformatics 7 (1), 70-85, 2006 | 215 | 2006 |
Mathematical modeling of tumor therapy with oncolytic viruses: regimes with complete tumor elimination within the framework of deterministic models AS Novozhilov, FS Berezovskaya, EV Koonin, GP Karev Biology direct 1, 1-18, 2006 | 134 | 2006 |
Scale‐free networks in biology: new insights into the fundamentals of evolution? YI Wolf, G Karev, EV Koonin Bioessays 24 (2), 105-109, 2002 | 125 | 2002 |
A simple epidemic model with surprising dynamics F Berezovskaya, G Karev, B Song, C Castillo-Chavez Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering 2 (1), 133-152, 2004 | 107 | 2004 |
Mathematical modeling of evolution of horizontally transferred genes AS Novozhilov, GP Karev, EV Koonin Molecular biology and evolution 22 (8), 1721-1732, 2005 | 101 | 2005 |
Power laws, scale-free networks and genome biology EV Koonin, YI Wolf, GP Karev Eurekah. com and Springer Science+ Business Media, Incorporated, 2006 | 83 | 2006 |
Mathematical modeling of tumor therapy with oncolytic viruses: effects of parametric heterogeneity on cell dynamics GP Karev, AS Novozhilov, EV Koonin Biology direct 1, 1-19, 2006 | 82 | 2006 |
On mathematical theory of selection: continuous time population dynamics GP Karev Journal of mathematical biology 60 (1), 107-129, 2010 | 81 | 2010 |
Simple stochastic birth and death models of genome evolution: was there enough time for us to evolve? GP Karev, YI Wolf, EV Koonin Bioinformatics 19 (15), 1889-1900, 2003 | 76 | 2003 |
Modern Approaches in Forest Ecosystem Modelling: European Forest Institute Research Report 8 OG Chertov, AS Komarov, GP Karev Brill, 2024 | 70 | 2024 |
Gene family evolution: an in-depth theoretical and simulation analysis of non-linear birth-death-innovation models GP Karev, YI Wolf, FS Berezovskaya, EV Koonin BMC evolutionary biology 4, 1-23, 2004 | 70 | 2004 |
Power laws in biological networks EV Koonin, YI Wolf, GP Karev, E Almaas, AL Barabási Power laws, scale-free networks and genome biology, 1-11, 2006 | 58 | 2006 |
Population models with singular equilibrium FS Berezovskaya, AS Novozhilov, GP Karev Mathematical biosciences 208 (1), 270-299, 2007 | 55 | 2007 |
A fractal approach to computer-analytical modelling of tree crowns FS Berezovskaya, GP Karev, OS Kisliuk, RG Khlebopros, YL Tsel’niker Trees 11, 323-327, 1997 | 53 | 1997 |
The role of computation in complex regulatory networks EV Koonin, YI Wolf, GP Karev, P Fernández, RV Solé Power laws, scale-free networks and genome biology, 206-225, 2006 | 49 | 2006 |
Bifurcations of travelling waves in population taxis models FS Berezovskaya, GP Karev Physics-Uspekhi 42 (9), 917, 1999 | 49 | 1999 |