Kryscia Daviana Ramírez Benavides
Kryscia Daviana Ramírez Benavides
Professor of Computer Science, Universidad de Costa Rica
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Cited by
A mobile application that allows children in the early childhood to program robots
K Ramírez-Benavides, G López, LA Guerrero
Mobile Information Systems 2016 (1), 1714350, 2016
Tool UTAUT applied to measure interaction experience with NAO robot
A Vega, K Ramírez-Benavidez, LA Guerrero
Human-Computer Interaction. Design Practice in Contemporary Societies …, 2019
Evaluating the NAO robot in the role of personal assistant: The effect of gender in robot performance evaluation
A Vega, K Ramírez-Benavides, LA Guerrero, G López
Proceedings 31 (1), 20, 2019
MODEBOTS: environment for programming robots for children between the ages of 4 and 6
K Ramírez-Benavides, LA Guerrero
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 10 (3), 152-159, 2015
User experience in communication and collaboration platforms: a comparative study including discord, microsoft teams, and zoom
LD Mora-Jimenez, K Ramírez-Benavides, L Quesada, G Lopez, ...
International Conference on Information Technology & Systems, 52-61, 2022
MODEBOTS: Entorno de programación de robots para niños con edades entre 4-6 años
K Ramírez-Benavides, LA Guerrero
VAEP-RITA-Versión Abierta Español-Portugués 2 (3), 139-146, 2014
Designing tools that allows children in the early childhood to program robots
K Ramírez-Benavides, G López, LA Guerrero
Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Technology in Education: 4th …, 2017
Evaluating virtual and local pepper presence in the role of communicator interacting with another human presenter at a vocational fair of computer sciences
S Romero-Pérez, K Smith-Arias, L Corrales-Cortés, K Ramírez-Benavides, ...
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 580-589, 2022
Cinemática directa del robot
MSKR Benavides
Escuela de Ciencias de la Computación e Informatica. Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020
NAO as a Copresenter in a Robotics Workshop-Participant’s Feedback on the Engagement Level Achieved with a Robot in the Classroom
J Hernandez-Cedeño, K Ramírez-Benavides, L Guerrero, A Vega
Advances in Human Factors in Robots and Unmanned Systems: Proceedings of the …, 2019
Creating a protocol for collaborative mobile applications for kids between 4 and 6 years old
K Ramírez-Benavides, F García, LA Guerrero
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems …, 2015
Qbo Robot as an Educational Assistant-Participants Feedback on the Engagement Level Achieved with a Robot in the Classroom
R Madrigal Acuña, A Vega, K Ramírez-Benavides
Advances in Human Factors in Robots and Unmanned Systems: Proceedings of the …, 2019
Mathematics and technological integration in the Brazilian basic education as motivation to STEM
PC Nicolete, MA da Silva Cristiano, JB da Silva, SMS Bilessimo, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems …, 2015
Índices de RI
KDR Benavides
Página Web versión HTML, 2011
Exploratory analysis of research publications on robotics in costa rica main public universities
JP Chaverri, A Vega, K Ramírez-Benavides, A Mora, L Guerrero
International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 95-102, 2021
Integración de tecnologías en la Educación básica de Brasil: un estudio de caso en la enseñanza de la matemática
MA da Silva Cristiano, SS da Luz Filho, PC Nicolete, JB Da Silva, ...
Suplemento Signos EAD, 2016
Creación de una herramienta colaborativa para el aprendizaje de la programación que incentive la colaboración en niños con edades comprendidas entre 4 y 6 años
K Ramírez
Tesis de doctorado, Universidad de Costa Rica]. Kérwá, Repositorio …, 2016
Creación de una herramienta colaborativa para el aprendizaje de la programación que incentive la colaboración en niños con edades comprendidas entre 4 y 6 años
K Ramírez-Benavides
Universidad de Costa Rica, 2016
App Inventor
MSKR Benavides
España, 2012
Real-time malicious URL detection
D Orozco, L Quesada, K Ramirez-Benavides, A Lara
2024 IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), 1-7, 2024
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Articles 1–20