Mark McAllister
Mark McAllister
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Laboratory recreation of the Draupner wave and the role of breaking in crossing seas
ML McAllister, S Draycott, TAA Adcock, PH Taylor, TS Van Den Bremer
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 860, 767-786, 2019
The set-down and set-up of directionally spread and crossing surface gravity wave groups
ML McAllister, TAA Adcock, PH Taylor, TS Van Den Bremer
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 835, 131-169, 2018
A mechanism for the increased wave-induced drift of floating marine litter
R Calvert, ML McAllister, C Whittaker, A Raby, AGL Borthwick, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 915, A73, 2021
Lagrangian measurement of steep directionally spread ocean waves: Second-order motion of a wave-following measurement buoy
ML McAllister, TS van den Bremer
Journal of Physical Oceanography 49 (12), 3087-3108, 2019
Estimating ocean wave directional spreading using wave following buoys: a comparison of experimental buoy and gauge data
Z Lin, TAA Adcock, ML McAllister
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 8 (1), 83-97, 2022
Experimental Study of the Statistical Properties of Directionally Spread Ocean Waves Measured by Buoys
ML McAllister, TS van den Bremer
Journal of Physical Oceanography 50 (2), 399-414, 2020
Wave directional spreading from point field measurements
ML McAllister, V Venugopal, AGL Borthwick
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2017
Harmonic structure of wave loads on a surface piercing column in directionally spread and unidirectional random seas
D Mj, ML McAllister, H Bredmose, TAA Adcock, PH Taylor
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy 9 (3), 415-433, 2023
Wave breaking and jet formation on axisymmetric surface gravity waves
ML McAllister, S Draycott, T Davey, Y Yang, TAA Adcock, S Liao, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 935, 2022
Experimental Observation of Modulational Instability in Crossing Surface Gravity Wavetrains
JN Steer, ML McAllister, AGL Borthwick, TS van den Bremer
Fluids 4 (2), 105, 2019
The influence of spectral bandwidth and shape on deep-water wave breaking onset
ML McAllister, N Pizzo, S Draycott, TS Van Den Bremer
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 974, A14, 2023
Three-dimensional wave breaking
ML McAllister, S Draycott, R Calvert, T Davey, F Dias, TS van den Bremer
Nature 633 (8030), 601-607, 2024
Highly directionally spread, overturning breaking waves modelled with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A case study involving the Draupner wave
T Kanehira, ML McAllister, S Draycott, T Nakashima, N Taniguchi, ...
Ocean Modelling, 101822, 2021
A note on the second-order contribution to extreme waves generated during hurricanes
ML McAllister, TAA Adcock, PH Taylor, TS Van Den Bremer
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 141 (4), 041102, 2019
The effects of smoothing length on the onset of wave breaking in smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of highly directionally spread waves
T Kanehira, ML McAllister, S Draycott, T Nakashima, DM Ingram, ...
Computational Particle Mechanics 9 (5), 1031-1047, 2022
The numerical re-creation of experimentally generated nonlinear irregular wave fields using a time-reversal approach
S Draycott, PK Stansby, ML McAllister, T Davey, L Jordan, T Tosdevin, ...
Applied Ocean Research 129, 103397, 2022
Laboratory study of wave turbulence under isotropic forcing
Z Taebel, ML McAllister, A Scotti, M Onorato, TS van den Bremer
Physical Review Fluids 9 (9), 094803, 2024
An Experimental Study of Wave Breaking in Crossing Seas
M McAllister, S Draycott, R Calvert, T Davey, F Dias, T van den Bremer
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-9969, 2022
Analysis of laboratory and field measurements of directionally spread nonlinear ocean waves
ML McAllister
The University of Edinburgh, 2017
Laboratory study of the enhanced wave-induced drift of large rectangular floating objects
Q Xiao, ML McAllister, TAA Adcock, T van den Bremer
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2025
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Articles 1–20