Patrick J. Fox
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Cited by
Modeling low Reynolds number incompressible flows using SPH
JP Morris, PJ Fox, Y Zhu
Journal of Computational Physics 136, 214-226, 1997
A pore‐scale numerical model for flow through porous media
Y Zhu, PJ Fox, JP Morris
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 1999
CS2: A piecewise‐linear model for large strain consolidation
PJ Fox, JD Berles
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 1997
Shear strength of HDPE geomembrane/geosynthetic clay liner interfaces
EJ Triplett, PJ Fox
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 127 (6), 543-552, 2001
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics model for diffusion through porous media
Y Zhu, PJ Fox
Transport in Porous Media 43, 441-471, 2001
Internal shear strength of three geosynthetic clay liners
PJ Fox, MG Rowland, JR Scheithe
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 124 (10), 933-944, 1998
Shake table test of large-scale bridge columns supported on rocking shallow foundations
G Antonellis, AG Gavras, M Panagiotou, BL Kutter, G Guerrini, AC Sander, ...
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 141 (5), 04015009, 2015
Large-strain vacuum-assisted consolidation with non-Darcian radial flow incorporating varying permeability and compressibility
B Indraratna, R Zhong, PJ Fox, C Rujikiatkamjorn
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 143 (1), 04016088, 2017
Coupled large strain consolidation and solute transport. I: Model development
PJ Fox
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 133 (1), 3-15, 2007
Coupled large strain consolidation and solute transport. II: Model verification and simulation results
PJ Fox
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 133 (1), 16-29, 2007
Analytical solutions for stability of slurry trench
PJ Fox
Journal of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 130 (7), 749-758, 2004
Simulation of pore-scale dispersion in periodic porous media using smoothed particle hydrodynamics
Y Zhu, PJ Fox
Journal of Computational Physics 182 (2), 622-645, 2002
Numerical investigation of geosynthetic-reinforced soil bridge abutments under static loading
Y Zheng, PJ Fox
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 142 (5), 04016004, 2016
Load performance of in situ corrugated steel highway culverts
KY Yeau, H Sezen, PJ Fox
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 23 (1), 32-39, 2009
Piecewise-linear model for large strain radial consolidation
PJ Fox, M Di Nicola, DW Quigley
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 129 (10), 940-950, 2003
In-situ load testing of corrugated steel pipe-arch culverts
H Sezen, KY Yeau, PJ Fox
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 22 (4), 245-252, 2008
State-of-the-art report: GCL shear strength and its measurement
PJ Fox, TD Stark
Geosynthetics International 11 (3), 141-175, 2004
Effects of stress and temperature on secondary compression of peat
PJ Fox, TB Edil
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 33 (3), 405-415, 1996
Model for consolidation-induced solute transport with nonlinear and nonequilibrium sorption
PJ Fox, J Lee
International Journal of Geomechanics 8 (3), 188-198, 2008
Concept Applied to Compression of Peat
PJ Fox, TB Edil, LT Lan
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 118 (8), 1256-1263, 1992
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Articles 1–20