Tahir islam
Tahir islam
Leeds Trinity University Business School, Leeds Trinity University
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Cited by
The impact of corporate social responsibility on customer loyalty: The mediating role of corporate reputation, customer satisfaction, and trust
T Islam, R Islam, AH Pitafi, L Xiaobei, M Rehmani, M Irfan, MS Mubarak
Sustainable production and consumption 25, 123-135, 2021
Panic buying in the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-country examination
T Islam, AH Pitafi, V Arya, Y Wang, N Akhtar, S Mubarik, L Xiaobei
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 59, 102357, 2021
Exploring the influence of knowledge management process on corporate sustainable performance through green innovation
M Shahzad, Y Qu, AU Zafar, SU Rehman, T Islam
Journal of knowledge management 24 (9), 2079-2106, 2020
Do green HRM practices influence employees' environmental performance?
Z Hameed, IU Khan, T Islam, Z Sheikh, RM Naeem
International Journal of Manpower 41 (7), 1061-1079, 2020
Predicting the acceptance of MOOCs in a developing country: Application of task-technology fit model, social motivation, and self-determination theory
IU Khan, Z Hameed, Y Yu, T Islam, Z Sheikh, SU Khan
Telematics and Informatics 35 (4), 964-978, 2018
Impact of social commerce constructs and social support on social commerce intentions
Z Sheikh, L Yezheng, T Islam, Z Hameed, IU Khan
Information Technology & People 32 (1), 68-93, 2019
Acceptance of social commerce framework in Saudi Arabia
Z Sheikh, T Islam, S Rana, Z Hameed, U Saeed
Telematics and Informatics 34 (8), 1693-1708, 2017
How servant leadership triggers innovative work behavior: exploring the sequential mediating role of psychological empowerment and job crafting
MM Khan, MS Mubarik, T Islam, A Rehman, SS Ahmed, E Khan, F Sohail
European Journal of Innovation Management 25 (4), 1037-1055, 2022
Organizational justice and knowledge sharing behavior: The role of psychological ownership and perceived organizational support
Z Hameed, IU Khan, Z Sheikh, T Islam, MI Rasheed, RM Naeem
Personnel Review 48 (3), 748-773, 2019
Social comparison, materialism, and compulsive buying based on stimulus-response-model: a comparative study among adolescents and young adults
T Islam, Z Sheikh, Z Hameed, IU Khan, RI Azam
Young Consumers 19 (1), 19-37, 2018
The impact of self-congruity (symbolic and functional) on the brand hate: a study based on self-congruity theory
T Islam, S Attiq, Z Hameed, MN Khokhar, Z Sheikh
British Food Journal 121 (1), 71-88, 2019
Leading the innovation: role of trust and job crafting as sequential mediators relating servant leadership and innovative work behavior
MM Khan, MS Mubarik, T Islam
European Journal of Innovation Management 24 (5), 1547-1568, 2021
Determinants of compulsive buying behavior among young adults: The mediating role of materialism
T Islam, J Wei, Z Sheikh, Z Hameed, RI Azam
Journal of adolescence 61, 117-130, 2017
Relation of impulsive urges and sustainable purchase decisions in the personalized environment of social media
AU Zafar, J Shen, M Shahzad, T Islam
Sustainable Production and Consumption 25, 591-603, 2021
Investigating the effect of advertising irritation on digital advertising effectiveness: A moderated mediation model
A Sharma, R Dwivedi, MM Mariani, T Islam
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 180, 121731, 2022
Corporate social responsibility and employee pro-environmental behaviors: The role of perceived organizational support and organizational pride
Z Hameed, IU Khan, T Islam, Z Sheikh, SU Khan
South Asian Journal of Business Studies 8 (3), 246-265, 2019
Digital influencer marketing: How message credibility and media credibility affect trust and impulsive buying
K Shamim, T Islam
Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science 32 (4), 601-626, 2022
Determinants of purchase luxury counterfeit products in social commerce: the mediating role of compulsive internet use
T Islam, AH Pitafi, N Akhtar, L Xiaobei
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 62, 102596, 2021
Going green supply chain management during covid-19, assessing the best supplier selection criteria: a triple bottom line (tbl) approach
M Khokhar, S Zia, T Islam, A Sharma, W Iqbal, M Irshad
Problemy Ekorozwoju 17 (1), 2022
My meaning is my engagement: exploring the mediating role of meaning between servant leadership and work engagement
MM Khan, MS Mubarik, SS Ahmed, T Islam, E Khan, A Rehman, F Sohail
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 42 (6), 926-941, 2021
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