Jennifer A Lueck
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Cited by
Correlates and disparities of intention to vaccinate against COVID-19
T Callaghan, A Moghtaderi, JA Lueck, P Hotez, U Strych, A Dor, ...
Social science & medicine (1982) 272, 113638, 2021
Rural and urban differences in COVID‐19 prevention behaviors
T Callaghan, JA Lueck, KL Trujillo, AO Ferdinand
The Journal of Rural Health 37 (2), 287-295, 2021
Friend-zone with benefits: The parasocial advertising of Kim Kardashian
JA Lueck
Journal of Marketing Communications 21 (2), 91-109, 2015
Which beliefs predict intention to get vaccinated against COVID-19? A mixed-methods reasoned action approach applied to health communication
JA Lueck, A Spiers
Vaccine Communication in a Pandemic, 51-59, 2023
Matching message design and depressed cognition: An exploration of attention patterns for gain-and loss-framed depression help-seeking messages
JA Lueck
Journal of health communication 22 (7), 593-603, 2017
Presentation matters: Comparison of cognitive effects of DTC prescription drug advergames, websites, and print ads
J Huh, Y Suzuki-Lambrecht, J Lueck, M Gross
Journal of Advertising 44 (4), 360-374, 2015
Respecting the ‘stages’ of depression: Considering depression severity and readiness to seek help
JA Lueck
Patient education and counseling 101 (7), 1276-1282, 2018
Help-seeking intentions in the US population during the COVID-19 pandemic: Examining the role of COVID-19 financial hardship, suicide risk, and stigma
JA Lueck
Psychiatry research 303, 114069, 2021
Examining determinants of seeking help for depression: Implications for effective health promotion messages
JA Lueck
Journal of Communication in Healthcare 11 (1), 19-29, 2018
Explaining intentions to seek help for depressive symptoms in the context of responsibility message framing
J Lueck, M Yzer
Health communication 33 (8), 946-953, 2018
Inside the ‘black box’of COVID-19 vaccination beliefs: Revealing the relative importance of public confidence and news consumption habits
JA Lueck, T Callaghan
Social Science & Medicine 298, 114874, 2022
Awareness of and reactions to mammography controversy among immigrant women
RH Nagler, JA Lueck, LS Gray
Health Expectations 20 (4), 638-647, 2017
Racial and ethnic differences in major depressive episode, severe role impairment, and mental health service utilization in US adolescents
Q Fan, MJ DuPont-Reyes, MM Hossain, LS Chen, J Lueck, P Ma
Journal of affective disorders 306, 190-199, 2022
What’s the risk in seeking help for depression? Assessing the nature and pleasantness of outcome perceptions among individuals with depressive symptomatology
JA Lueck
Health Education & Behavior 46 (3), 463-470, 2019
Should We Activate Risk Perceptions in the Context of Suicide Prevention? Examining Fear Appeals, Help-Seeking Determinants, and Help-Seeking Sources …
JA Lueck
Prevention science 20 (6), 884-893, 2019
Bypassing the waitlist: examining barriers and facilitators of help-line utilization among college students with depression symptoms
JA Lueck, M Poe
Journal of mental health 30 (3), 308-314, 2021
The making of an addiction: Examining psychological determinants of prescription stimulant abuse among college students
JA Lueck, R Costantini, M Knobloch
Health Communication, 2020
& Motta, M.(2020)
T Callaghan, A Moghtaderi, JA Lueck, PJ Hotez, U Strych, A Dor
Correlates and disparities of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy, 0
Depression’s response to fear tactics: An integration of health promotion principles, eye-tracking technology and clinical tools
JA Lueck, GE Brannon, T Silva, MT Stephenson
Patient Education and Counseling 102 (6), 1178-1186, 2019
Suicidal ideation during the COVID-19 pandemic: investigating mental health, COVID-19 health beliefs, and news media consumption in the United States population in the year 2020
JA Lueck, T Callaghan, S Scherr
OMEGA-Journal of death and dying 88 (3), 1168-1180, 2024
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Articles 1–20