Carlos C. Engler-Pinto Jr.
Carlos C. Engler-Pinto Jr.
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Modeling of fatigue damage under superimposed high-cycle and low-cycle fatigue loading for a cast aluminum alloy
X Zheng, CC Engler-Pinto Jr, X Su, H Cui, W Wen
Materials Science and Engineering: A 560, 792-801, 2013
Fatigue behavior analysis and multi-scale modelling of chopped carbon fiber chip-reinforced composites under tension-tension loading condition
H Tang, G Zhou, Z Chen, L Huang, K Avery, Y Li, H Liu, H Guo, H Kang, ...
Composite Structures 215, 85-97, 2019
Interaction between oxidation and thermo-mechanical fatigue in IN738LC superalloy--I
S Esmaeili, CC Engler-Pinto Jr, B Ilschner, F Rezai-Aria
Scripta metallurgica et materialia 32 (11), 1777-1782, 1995
Effect of residual stress on fatigue strength of 316L stainless steel produced by laser powder bed fusion process
WJ Lai, A Ojha, Z Li, C Engler-Pinto, X Su
Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 1-9, 2021
Notch insensitivity in fatigue failure of chopped carbon fiber chip-reinforced composites using experimental and computational analysis
H Tang, Z Chen, O Avinesh, H Guo, Z Meng, C Engler-Pinto, H Kang, ...
Composite Structures 244, 112280, 2020
Statistical approaches applied to fatigue test data analysis
CC Engler-Pinto Jr, JV Lasecki, RJ Frisch Sr, MA DeJack, JE Allison
SAE transactions, 422-431, 2005
Numerical modeling of fatigue crack propagation based on the Theory of Critical Distances: Effects of overloads and underloads
X Zheng, H Cui, CC Engler-Pinto Jr, X Su, W Wen
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 128, 91-102, 2014
Thermal fatigue analysis of cast aluminum cylinder heads
X Su, M Zubeck, J Lasecki, CC Engler-Pinto Jr, C Tang, H Sehitoglu, ...
SAE Transactions, 418-424, 2002
Numerical modeling of fatigue crack propagation based on the theory of critical distances
X Zheng, H Cui, X Su, CC Engler-Pinto Jr, W Wen
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 114, 151-165, 2013
Effect of fiber orientation distribution on constant fatigue life diagram of chopped carbon fiber chip-reinforced Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) composite
H Tang, Z Chen, G Zhou, X Sun, Y Li, L Huang, H Guo, H Kang, D Zeng, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 125, 394-405, 2019
In situ nonlinear ultrasonic for very high cycle fatigue damage characterization of a cast aluminum alloy
W Li, H Cui, W Wen, X Su, CC Engler-Pinto Jr
Materials Science and Engineering: A 645, 248-254, 2015
Interaction between creep and thermo-mechanical fatigue of CM247LC-DS
CC Engler-Pinto Jr, C Noseda, MY Nazmy, F Rezai-Aria
Superalloys 1996, 319-325, 1996
Effect of frequency and environment on high cycle fatigue of cast aluminum alloys
CC Engler-Pinto Jr, RJ Frisch Sr, JV Lasecki, H Mayer, JE Allison
Proceedings of the VHCF-Fourth International Conference on Very High Cycle …, 2007
The effect of voids on the quasi-static tensile properties of carbon fiber/polymer-laminated composites
H Liu, H Cui, W Wen, X Su, H Kang, C Engler-Pinto
Journal of Composite Materials 52 (15), 1997-2015, 2018
Effect of constitutive model on thermomechanical fatigue life prediction
J Mao, CC Engler-Pinto Jr, T Li, J Hsieh, X Su
Procedia Engineering 133, 655-668, 2015
Fatigue modeling for carbon/epoxy unidirectional composites under various stress ratios considering size effects
H Liu, A Ojha, Z Li, CC Engler-Pinto Jr, X Su, Q Sun, H Kang, W Wen, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 120, 184-200, 2019
Fatigue behavior of stainless steel sheet specimens at extremely high temperatures
K Avery, J Pan, CC Engler-Pinto, Z Wei, F Yang, S Lin, L Luo, D Konson
SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing 7 (3), 560-566, 2014
Cyclic behavior of A1319-T7B under isothermal and non-isothermal conditions
CC Engler-Pinto, H Sehitoglu, HJ Maier
Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials: 4th Volume, 2003
On thermal fatigue of nickel-based superalloys
F Meyer-Olbersleben, CC Engler-Pinto, F RézaÏ-Aria
Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials: Second Volume, 1996
Characterization and modeling of fatigue behavior of chopped glass fiber reinforced sheet molding compound (SMC) composite
X Sun, Y Li, C Engler-Pinto, L Huang, S Huang, Z Li, H Tang, Z Bao, H Cui, ...
International Journal of Fatigue 156, 106647, 2022
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