3-D time-accurate CFD simulations of wind turbine rotor flow fields N Sezer-Uzol, L Long 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 394, 2006 | 199 | 2006 |
Time-domain numerical simulation of a flow-impedance tube Y Özyörük, LN Long, MG Jones Journal of Computational Physics 146 (1), 29-57, 1998 | 160 | 1998 |
A parallel three-dimensional computational aeroacoustics method using nonlinear disturbance equations PJ Morris, LN Long, A Bangalore, Q Wang Journal of Computational Physics 133 (1), 56-74, 1997 | 158 | 1997 |
Object-oriented unsteady vortex lattice method for flapping flight LN Long, TE Fritz Journal of Aircraft 41 (6), 1275-1290, 2004 | 150 | 2004 |
Character recognition using spiking neural networks A Gupta, LN Long 2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 53-58, 2007 | 121 | 2007 |
Optimal path planning of UAVs using direct collocation with nonlinear programming B Geiger, J Horn, A DeLullo, A Niessner, L Long AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, 6199, 2006 | 115 | 2006 |
Simulation of helicopter shipboard launch and recovery with time-accurate airwakes D Lee, N Sezer-Uzol, JF Horn, LN Long Journal of Aircraft 42 (2), 448-461, 2005 | 114 | 2005 |
Molecular dynamics simulations of droplet evaporation LN Long, MM Micci, BC Wong Computer Physics Communications 96 (2-3), 167-172, 1996 | 106 | 1996 |
A time-domain implementation of surface acoustic impedance condition with and without flow Y Özyörük, LN Long Journal of Computational Acoustics 5 (03), 277-296, 1997 | 103 | 1997 |
New life in dusty decks: results of porting a CM Fortran based aeroacoustic model to high performance Fortran JJ Nucciarone, Y Özyörük, LN Long Proceedings of the 1997 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, 1-19, 1997 | 100 | 1997 |
A small semi-autonomous rotary-wing unmanned air vehicle (UAV) S Hanford, L Long, J Horn Infotech@ Aerospace, 7077, 2005 | 97 | 2005 |
Massively parallel three-dimensional Euler/Navier-Stokes method LN Long, MMS Khan, HT Sharp AIAA journal 29 (5), 657-666, 1991 | 94 | 1991 |
CFD analysis of gear windage losses: Validation and parametric aerodynamic studies MJ Hill, RF Kunz, RB Medvitz, RF Handschuh, LN Long, RW Noack, ... | 93 | 2011 |
A review of intelligent systems software for autonomous vehicles LN Long, SD Hanford, O Janrathitikarn, GL Sinsley, JA Miller 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Security and Defense …, 2007 | 90 | 2007 |
Scalable massively parallel artificial neural networks LN Long, A Gupta Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication 5 (1), 3-15, 2008 | 81 | 2008 |
An aeroacoustic analysis of wind turbines P Morris, L Long, K Brentner 42nd AIAA aerospace sciences meeting and exhibit, 1184, 2004 | 80 | 2004 |
Landing gear aerodynamic noise prediction using unstructured grids FJ Souliez, LN Long, PJ Morris, A Sharma International Journal of Aeroacoustics 1 (2), 115-135, 2002 | 79 | 2002 |
Computation of sound radiating from engine inlets Y Ozyoruk, LN Long AIAA journal 34 (5), 894-901, 1996 | 76 | 1996 |
The velocity dependence of aerodynamic drag: A primer for mathematicians LN Long, H Weiss The American mathematical monthly 106 (2), 127-135, 1999 | 73 | 1999 |
Supercritical vaporization of liquid oxygen droplets using molecular dynamics TL Kaltz, LN Long, MM Micci, JK Little Combustion science and technology 136 (1-6), 279-301, 1998 | 72 | 1998 |