Lu Wang
Lu Wang
Department of Biostatistics, University of Texas Health Science Center, School of Public Health
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Cited by
Handling missing values in the MDS‐UPDRS
CG Goetz, S Luo, L Wang, BC Tilley, NR LaPelle, GT Stebbins
Movement Disorders 30 (12), 1632-1638, 2015
Official Japanese Version of the Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale: validation against the original English version.
K Kashihara, T Kondo, Y Mizuno, S Kikuchi, S Kuno, K Hasegawa, ...
Movement disorders clinical practice 1 (3), 200-212, 2014
Cross-Cultural Differences of the Non-Motor Symptoms Studied by the Traditional Chinese Version of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society–Unified Parkinson's …
CGGMD Rwei-Ling Yu PhD, Ruey-Meei Wu MD, PhD, Anne Y.Y. Chan MD, FRCP ...
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 2017
IPMDS‐sponsored scale translation program: process, format, and clinimetric testing plan for the MDS‐UPDRS and UDysRS
CG Goetz, GT Stebbins, L Wang, NR LaPelle, S Luo, BC Tilley
Movement disorders clinical practice 1 (2), 97-101, 2014
Official japanese version of the international Parkinson and movement disorder society–unified Parkinson's disease rating scale: validation against the original english version
K Kashihara, T Kondo, Y Mizuno, S Kikuchi, S Kuno, K Hasegawa, ...
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 1 (3), 200-212, 2014
Bidding via clustering ads intentions: an efficient search engine marketing system for ecommerce
C Jie, ZW Da Xu, L Wang, W Shen
2nd International Workshop on Industrial Recommendation Systems, 2021
Gender‐, age‐, and race/ethnicity‐based differential item functioning analysis of the movement disorder society–sponsored revision of the Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale
CG Goetz, Y Liu, GT Stebbins, L Wang, BC Tilley, JA Teresi, D Merkitch, ...
Movement Disorders 31 (12), 1865-1873, 2016
Independent Spanish Validation of the Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale
EC Christopher G. Goetz, Glenn T. Stebbins, Nancy R. LaPelle, Barbara C ...
Movement Disorders Clinical Practice 1, 213-218, 2014
The international Parkinson and movement disorder society translation program for the MDS-UPDRS and UDysRS
CG Goetz, GT Stebbins, L Wang, NR LaPelle, S Luo, BC Tilley
Movement Disorders 29, S185-S185, 2014
MDS-UPDRS Japanese Validation Study Group: Official Japanese Version of the Movement Disorder Society-Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale: validation against the original …
K Kashihara, T Kondo, Y Mizuno, S Kikuchi, S Kuno, K Hasegawa, ...
Mov Disord Clin Pract 1 (3), 200-212, 2014
Systems and methods for determining customer lifetime value
W Shen, L Wang, Z Zhao
US Patent 10,832,260, 2020
An Efficient Group-based Search Engine Marketing System for E-Commerce
C Jie, D Xu, Z Wang, L Wang, W Shen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.12700, 2021
Deep learning-based revenue-per-click prediction model framework
WS Xuan Cao, Lu Wang
US Patent 17,163,467, 2022
Systems and methods for processing or mining visitor interests from graphical user interfaces displaying referral websites
W Shen, Y Xie, V Jalalibarsari, L Wang, LIU Chenxi, Z Zhao
US Patent 11,068,932, 2021
Bidding platform with controls for multiple objectives
L Wang, W Shen, DA Baranov, SB Shah, CZ Liu
US Patent App. 16/262,485, 2020
Systems and methods for optimizing content variations
LIU Chenxi, L Wang, W Shen
US Patent App. 15/883,849, 2019
Validation of the Hebrew version of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society-unified Parkinson's disease rating scale (MDS-UPDRS)
J Zitser, A Bar David, H Shabtai, A Ezra, M Brozgol, C Peretz, ...
MOVEMENT DISORDERS 31, S515-S515, 2016
Gender and age-based differential item functioning (DIF) analysis of MDS-UPDRS
CG Goetz, L Wang, GT Stebbins, BC Tilley, S Luo
MOVEMENT DISORDERS 31, S514-S514, 2016
Handling Missing Values in the MDS-UPDRS (P1. 195)
C Goetz, S Luo, L Wang, B Tilley, N LaPelle, G Stebbins
Neurology 84 (14_supplement), P1. 195, 2015
Validation of the Hungarian version of MDS-UPDRS
K Horváth, Z Aschermann, P Acs, E Bosnyák, G Deli, E Pál, I Kesmarki, ...
Movement Disorders 29, S177-S177, 2014
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Articles 1–20