Articles with public access mandates - K . IlamuruguLearn more
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Effect of long-term nutrient managements on biological and biochemical properties of semi-arid tropical Alfisol during maize crop development stages
SM Tamilselvi, C Chinnadurai, K Ilamurugu, K Arulmozhiselvan, ...
Ecological Indicators 48, 76-87, 2015
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
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Characterization and crop production efficiency of diazotrophic isolates from the rhizosphere of semi-arid tropical grasses of India
C Sarathambal, K Ilamurugu, D Balachandar, C Chinnadurai, Y Gharde
Applied Soil Ecology 87, 1-10, 2015
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Lessons from Long-term Nutrient Management Adoptions in Semi-arid Tropical Alfisol
D Balachandar, C Chinnadurai, SM Tamilselvi, K Ilamurugu, ...
International Journal of Plant and Soil Science 10, 1-14, 2016
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
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