Jung-Ho Cho
Jung-Ho Cho
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Implementation of real-time multiple reflection and Fresnel absorption of laser beam in keyhole
JH Cho, SJ Na
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 39 (24), 5372, 2006
Three-dimensional analysis of molten pool in GMA-laser hybrid welding
JH Cho, SJ Na
Welding Journal 88 (2), 35S-43S, 2009
Weld pool flows during initial stages of keyhole formation in laser welding
JH Cho, DF Farson, JO Milewski, KJ Hollis
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (17), 175502, 2009
Heat input analysis of variable polarity arc welding of aluminum
J Cho, JJ Lee, SH Bae
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 81, 1273-1280, 2015
Effect of magnetic stirring on grain structure refinement: Part 1–Autogenous nickel alloy welds
YC Lim, X Yu, JH Cho, J Sosa, DF Farson, SS Babu, S McCracken, ...
Science and Technology of Welding and joining 15 (7), 583-589, 2010
Effect of magnetic stirring on grain structure refinement Part 2–Nickel alloy weld overlays
YC Lim, X Yu, JH Cho, J Sosa, DF Farson, SS Babu, S McCracken, ...
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 15 (5), 400-406, 2010
Theoretical analysis of keyhole dynamics in polarized laser drilling
JH Cho, SJ Na
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (24), 7638, 2007
Development of numerical analysis model for resistance spot welding of automotive steel
Y Lee, H Jeong, K Park, Y Kim, J Cho
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 31, 3455-3464, 2017
Analysis of penetration depth fluctuations in single-mode fibre laser welds
JH Cho, DF Farson, MJ Reiter
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (11), 115501, 2009
Numerical analysis of weld pool oscillation in laser welding
J Cho, DF Farson, KJ Hollis, JO Milewski
Journal of mechanical science and technology 29, 1715-1722, 2015
Thermal efficiency decision of variable polarity aluminum arc welding through molten pool analysis
H Jeong, K Park, S Baek, J Cho
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 138, 729-737, 2019
Numerical analysis of variable polarity arc weld pool
H Jeong, K Park, J Cho
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30, 4307-4313, 2016
Multi-material additive fabrication of a carbon nanotube-based flexible tactile sensor
C Fekiri, C Kim, HC Kim, JH Cho, IH Lee
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 23 (4), 453-458, 2022
Prediction of arc welding quality through artificial neural network
J Cho
Journal of Welding and Joining 31 (3), 44-48, 2013
Stationary GMAW-P weld metal deposit spreading
YC Lim, DF Farson, MH Cho, JH Cho
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 14 (7), 626-635, 2009
Weldability increase of aluminum by variable polarity arc
J Cho
Journal of Welding and Joining 32 (1), 108-111, 2014
Laser welding characteristics of ultra high strength steel for automotive application
JK Choi, MJ Kang, JH Cho, CH Kim
Journal of Welding and Joining 27 (5), 1-4, 2009
Voronoi diagram and microstructure of weldment
J Cho, M Choi
Ubiquitous Computing Application and Wireless Sensor: UCAWSN-14, 1-9, 2015
Turbulent molten pool analysis of tandem GMA automotive steel sheet welding
K Park, H Jeong, S Baek, DY Kim, MJ Kang, J Cho
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 129, 1-6, 2019
Development of a TPU/CNT/Cu composite conductive filament with a high CNT concentration
H Kim, H Yoo, S Shin, J Cho, SW Han, I Lee
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 24 (2), 265-271, 2023
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