Taku Tsuchiya
Taku Tsuchiya
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Phase transition in MgSiO3 perovskite in the earth's lower mantle
T Tsuchiya, J Tsuchiya, K Umemoto, RM Wentzcovitch
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 224 (3-4), 241-248, 2004
Spin transition in magnesiowüstite in Earth’s lower mantle
T Tsuchiya, RM Wentzcovitch, CRS Da Silva, S De Gironcoli
Physical Review Letters 96 (19), 198501, 2006
First‐principles prediction of the PVT equation of state of gold and the 660‐km discontinuity in Earth's mantle
T Tsuchiya
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B10), 2003
Unified analyses for PVT equation of state of MgO: A solution for pressure‐scale problems in high PT experiments
Y Tange, Y Nishihara, T Tsuchiya
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 114 (B3), 2009
MgSiO3 postperovskite at D″ conditions
RM Wentzcovitch, T Tsuchiya, J Tsuchiya
Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 103 (3), 543-546, 2006
Elasticity of post‐perovskite MgSiO3
T Tsuchiya, J Tsuchiya, K Umemoto, RM Wentzcovitch
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (14), 2004
The pyrite-type high-pressure form of FeOOH
M Nishi, Y Kuwayama, J Tsuchiya, T Tsuchiya
Nature 547 (7662), 205-208, 2017
Systematics of elasticity: Ab initio study in -type alkaline earth oxides
T Tsuchiya, K Kawamura
The Journal of Chemical Physics 114 (22), 10086-10093, 2001
Prediction of a hexagonal SiO2 phase affecting stabilities of MgSiO3 and CaSiO3 at multimegabar pressures
T Tsuchiya, J Tsuchiya
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (4), 1252-1255, 2011
Mineralogy of the Earth-Phase transitions and mineralogy of the lower mantle
T Irifune, T Tsuchiya
Mineral physics 2, 33-62, 2007
Vibrational and thermodynamic properties of MgSiO3 postperovskite
J Tsuchiya, T Tsuchiya, RM Wentzcovitch
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 110 (B2), 2005
Ultrahigh-pressure scales for gold and platinum at pressures up to 550 GPa
M Yokoo, N Kawai, KG Nakamura, K Kondo, Y Tange, T Tsuchiya
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (10), 104114, 2009
Constraints on Earth’s inner core composition inferred from measurements of the sound velocity of hcp-iron in extreme conditions
T Sakamaki, E Ohtani, H Fukui, S Kamada, S Takahashi, T Sakairi, ...
Science Advances 2 (2), e1500802, 2016
First principles determination of the phase boundaries of high‐pressure polymorphs of silica
T Tsuchiya, R Caracas, J Tsuchiya
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (11), 2004
First principles calculation of a high‐pressure hydrous phase, δ‐AlOOH
J Tsuchiya, T Tsuchiya, S Tsuneyuki, T Yamanaka
Geophysical Research Letters 29 (19), 15-1-15-4, 2002
Molecular dynamics simulation for evaluating melting point of wurtzite-type GaN crystal
K Harafuji, T Tsuchiya, K Kawamura
Journal of applied physics 96 (5), 2501-2512, 2004
The second continent: existence of granitic continental materials around the bottom of the mantle transition zone
K Kawai, S Yamamoto, T Tsuchiya, S Maruyama
Geoscience Frontiers 4 (1), 1-6, 2013
First-principles study of systematics of high-pressure elasticity in rare gas solids, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe
T Tsuchiya, K Kawamura
The Journal of chemical physics 117 (12), 5859-5865, 2002
The P‐V‐T equation of state and thermodynamic properties of liquid iron
H Ichikawa, T Tsuchiya, Y Tange
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (1), 240-252, 2014
Computational support for a pyrolitic lower mantle containing ferric iron
X Wang, T Tsuchiya, A Hase
Nature Geoscience 8 (7), 556-559, 2015
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Articles 1–20