Sabrina Karim
Cited by
Cited by
Explaining sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping missions: The role of female peacekeepers and gender equality in contributing countries
S Karim, K Beardsley
Journal of Peace Research 53 (1), 100-115, 2016
Equal opportunity peacekeeping: women, peace, and security in post-conflict states
S Karim, K Beardsley
Oxford University Press, 2017
Female peacekeepers and gender balancing: Token gestures or informed policymaking?
S Karim, K Beardsley
International Interactions 39 (4), 461-488, 2013
Peacekeeping, compliance with international norms, and transactional sex in Monrovia, Liberia
B Beber, MJ Gilligan, J Guardado, S Karim
International Organization 71 (1), 1-30, 2017
Establishing the rule of law in weak and war-torn states: Evidence from a field experiment with the Liberian National Police
RA Blair, SM Karim, BS Morse
American Political Science Review 113 (3), 641-657, 2019
Relational State Building in Areas of Limited Statehood: Experimental Evidence on the Attitudes of the Police
S Karim
American Political Science Review, 1-16, 2020
Does more equality for women mean less war? Rethinking sex and gender inequality and political violence
DK Cohen, SM Karim
International organization 76 (2), 414-444, 2022
Challenges and pitfalls of peacekeeping economies
B Beber, M Gilligan, J Guardado, S Karim
International Studies Quarterly, 2018
Reevaluating peacekeeping effectiveness: does gender neutrality inhibit progress?
S Karim
International interactions 43 (5), 822-847, 2017
The internationalization of security sector gender reforms in post-conflict countries
L Huber, S Karim
Conflict Management and Peace Science 35 (3), 263-279, 2018
Restoring confidence in post-conflict security sectors: Survey evidence from Liberia on female ratio balancing reforms
S Karim
British Journal of Political Science 49 (3), 799-821, 2019
International gender balancing reforms in postconflict countries: Lab-in-the-field evidence from the liberian national police
S Karim, MJ Gilligan, R Blair, K Beardsley
International Studies Quarterly 62 (3), 618-631, 2018
Maternal health care in the time of Ebola: a mixed-method exploration of the impact of the epidemic on delivery services in Monrovia
TI Gizelis, S Karim, G Østby, H Urdal
World Development 98, 169-178, 2017
Building a more competent security sector: The case of UNMIL and the Liberian National Police
S Karim, R Gorman
International Peacekeeping 23 (1), 158-191, 2016
Policing ethnicity: Lab-in-the-field evidence on discrimination, cooperation, and ethnic balancing in the Liberian national police
R Blair, S Karim, MJ Gilligan, KC Beardsley
Cooperation, and Ethnic Balancing in the Liberian National Police (January 6 …, 2019
Madame officer
S Karim
Americas Quarterly 5 (3), 42, 2011
The study of gender and women in cross-national political science research: Rethinking concepts and measurement
S Karim, D Hill
Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, 2018
Ladies last: Peacekeeping and gendered protection 1
S Karim, K Beardsley
Gender, peace and security, 62-96, 2015
Gender and peacekeeping
S Karim
Routledge Handbook of Gender and Security, 334-345, 2018
The legacy of peacekeeping on the Liberian security sector
S Karim
International Peacekeeping 27 (1), 58-64, 2020
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Articles 1–20