Neeraj Bharadwaj
Neeraj Bharadwaj
Proffitt's Professor in Marketing, University of Tennessee
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Statistical Challenges of Administrative and Transaction Data
N Bharadwaj, Y Dong
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, Statistics in Society …, 2018
Marketing initiatives, expected cash flows, and shareholders’ wealth
RKS Rao, N Bharadwaj
Journal of Marketing 72 (1), 16-26, 2008
Investigating the decision criteria used in electronic components procurement
N Bharadwaj
Industrial marketing management 33 (4), 317-323, 2004
Investigating the antecedents and outcomes of customer firm transaction cost savings in a supply chain relationship
N Bharadwaj, K Matsuno
Journal of Business research 59 (1), 62-72, 2006
A new livestream retail analytics framework to assess the sales impact of emotional displays
N Bharadwaj, M Ballings, PA Naik, M Moore, MM Arat
Journal of Marketing 86 (1), 27-47, 2022
Salesperson communication effectiveness in a digital sales interaction
N Bharadwaj, GM Shipley
Industrial Marketing Management 90, 106-112, 2020
How call center location impacts expectations of service from reputable versus lesser known firms
AL Roggeveen, N Bharadwaj, WD Hoyer
Journal of Retailing 83 (4), 403-410, 2007
Explicating hearing the voice of the customer as a manifestation of customer focus and assessing its consequences
N Bharadwaj, JR Nevin, JP Wallman
Journal of product innovation management 29 (6), 1012-1030, 2012
Consumer response to and choice of customized versus standardized systems
N Bharadwaj, RW Naylor, F Ter Hofstede
International Journal of Research in Marketing 26 (3), 216-227, 2009
The impact of offshored and outsourced call service centers on customer appraisals
N Bharadwaj, AL Roggeveen
Marketing Letters 19, 13-23, 2008
Cause marketing and customer profitability
M Ballings, H McCullough, N Bharadwaj
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46, 234-251, 2018
Chief marketing officer presence and firm performance: Assessing conditions under which the presence of other C-level functional executives matters
P Nath, N Bharadwaj
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48 (4), 670-694, 2020
Toward further understanding the market‐sensing capability–value creation relationship
N Bharadwaj, Y Dong
Journal of Product Innovation Management 31 (4), 799-813, 2014
How crowdsourcing improves prediction of market-oriented outcomes
M Lang, N Bharadwaj, CA Di Benedetto
Journal of Business Research 69 (10), 4168-4176, 2016
Innovation in data‐rich environments
N Bharadwaj, CH Noble
Journal of Product Innovation Management 32 (3), 476-478, 2015
Finding Innovation in Data Rich Environments.
N Bharadwaj, C Noble
Journal of product innovation management 34 (5), 2017
Predicting innovation success in the motion picture industry: The influence of multiple quality signals
N Bharadwaj, CH Noble, A Tower, LM Smith, Y Dong
Journal of Product Innovation Management 34 (5), 659-680, 2017
Cross-media consumption: Insights from super bowl advertising
N Bharadwaj, M Ballings, PA Naik
Journal of Interactive Marketing 50 (1), 17-31, 2020
Corporate brand value and cash holdings
N Bharadwaj, DM Hanssens, RKS Rao
Journal of Brand Management 27 (4), 408-420, 2020
Strategic decision making in an information-rich environment: a synthesis and an organizing framework for innovation research
N Bharadwaj
Innovation and strategy, 3-30, 2018
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Articles 1–20