William James Bloss
William James Bloss
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Development of a detailed chemical mechanism (MCMv3. 1) for the atmospheric oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons
C Bloss, V Wagner, ME Jenkin, R Volkamer, WJ Bloss, JD Lee, DE Heard, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5 (3), 641-664, 2005
Abrupt but smaller than expected changes in surface air quality attributable to COVID-19 lockdowns
Z Shi, C Song, B Liu, G Lu, J Xu, T Van Vu, RJR Elliott, W Li, WJ Bloss, ...
Science advances 7 (3), eabd6696, 2021
New directions: air pollution challenges for developing megacities like Delhi
P Kumar, M Khare, RM Harrison, WJ Bloss, A Lewis, H Coe, L Morawska
Atmospheric Environment 122, 657-661, 2015
Evaluation of detailed aromatic mechanisms (MCMv3 and MCMv3. 1) against environmental chamber data
C Bloss, V Wagner, A Bonzanini, ME Jenkin, K Wirtz, M Martin-Reviejo, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5 (3), 623-639, 2005
Source apportionment of fine and coarse particles at a roadside and urban background site in London during the 2012 summer ClearfLo campaign
LR Crilley, F Lucarelli, WJ Bloss, RM Harrison, DC Beddows, G Calzolai, ...
Environmental Pollution 220, 766-778, 2017
Free radical modelling studies during the UK TORCH Campaign in Summer 2003
KM Emmerson, N Carslaw, DC Carslaw, JD Lee, G McFiggans, WJ Bloss, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 7 (1), 167-181, 2007
Four-year assessment of ambient particulate matter and trace gases in the Delhi-NCR region of India
SML Hama, P Kumar, RM Harrison, WJ Bloss, M Khare, S Mishra, ...
Sustainable Cities and Society 54, 102003, 2020
On the vertical distribution of boundary layer halogens over coastal Antarctica: implications for O3, HOx, NOx and the Hg lifetime
A Saiz-Lopez, JMC Plane, AS Mahajan, PS Anderson, SJB Bauguitte, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (4), 887-900, 2008
Rate of gas phase association of hydroxyl radical and nitrogen dioxide
AK Mollner, S Valluvadasan, L Feng, MK Sprague, M Okumura, ...
Science 330 (6004), 646-649, 2010
Ozone photochemistry and elevated isoprene during the UK heatwave of August 2003
JD Lee, AC Lewis, PS Monks, M Jacob, JF Hamilton, JR Hopkins, ...
Atmospheric Environment 40 (39), 7598-7613, 2006
Atmospheric chemistry and physics in the atmosphere of a developed megacity (London): an overview of the REPARTEE experiment and its conclusions
RM Harrison, M Dall'Osto, DCS Beddows, AJ Thorpe, WJ Bloss, JD Allan, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (6), 3065-3114, 2012
Distribution of gaseous and particulate organic composition during dark α-pinene ozonolysis
M Camredon, JF Hamilton, MS Alam, KP Wyche, T Carr, IR White, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (6), 2893-2917, 2010
The oxidative capacity of the troposphere: Coupling of field measurements of OH and a global chemistry transport model
WJ Bloss, MJ Evans, JD Lee, R Sommariva, DE Heard, MJ Pilling
Faraday discussions 130, 425-436, 2005
Kinetics and products of the IO self-reaction
WJ Bloss, DM Rowley, RA Cox, RL Jones
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 105 (33), 7840-7854, 2001
Iodine-mediated coastal particle formation: an overview of the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) Roscoff coastal study
G McFiggans, CSE Bale, SM Ball, JM Beames, WJ Bloss, LJ Carpenter, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics 10, 2975-2999, 2010
Coupling dynamics and chemistry in the air pollution modelling of street canyons: A review
J Zhong, XM Cai, WJ Bloss
Environmental Pollution 214, 690-704, 2016
Introduction to the special issue “In-depth study of air pollution sources and processes within Beijing and its surrounding region (APHH-Beijing)”
Z Shi, T Vu, S Kotthaus, RM Harrison, S Grimmond, S Yue, T Zhu, J Lee, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (11), 7519-7546, 2019
NO 3 radical production from the reaction between the Criegee intermediate CH 2 OO and NO 2
B Ouyang, MW McLeod, RL Jones, WJ Bloss
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (40), 17070-17075, 2013
Impact of halogen monoxide chemistry upon boundary layer OH and HO2 concentrations at a coastal site
WJ Bloss, JD Lee, GP Johnson, R Sommariva, DE Heard, A Saiz‐Lopez, ...
Geophysical research letters 32 (6), 2005
DMS and MSA measurements in the Antarctic Boundary Layer: impact of BrO on MSA production
KA Read, AC Lewis, S Bauguitte, AM Rankin, RA Salmon, EW Wolff, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (11), 2985-2997, 2008
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Articles 1–20