Justus Adamson, PhD
Justus Adamson, PhD
Associate Professor, Duke University
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Cited by
The UK Standardisation of Breast Radiotherapy (START) Trial A of radiotherapy hypofractionation for treatment of early breast cancer: a randomised trial
START Trialists' Group
The lancet oncology 9 (4), 331-341, 2008
Commissioning and dosimetric characteristics of TrueBeam system: composite data of three TrueBeam machines
Z Chang, Q Wu, J Adamson, L Ren, J Bowsher, H Yan, A Thomas, FF Yin
Medical physics 39 (11), 6981-7018, 2012
Current multidisciplinary management of brain metastases
MJ Moravan, PE Fecci, CK Anders, JM Clarke, AKS Salama, JD Adamson, ...
Cancer 126 (7), 1390-1406, 2020
Preoperative single fraction partial breast radiotherapy for early-stage breast cancer
M Palta, S Yoo, JD Adamson, LR Prosnitz, JK Horton
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 82 (1), 37-42, 2012
Physics considerations for single-isocenter, volumetric modulated arc radiosurgery for treatment of multiple intracranial targets
C Stanhope, Z Chang, Z Wang, FF Yin, G Kim, JK Salama, J Kirkpatrick, ...
Practical radiation oncology 6 (3), 207-213, 2016
Inferences about prostate intrafraction motion from pre-and posttreatment volumetric imaging
J Adamson, Q Wu
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 75 (1), 260-267, 2009
Dosimetric effect of intrafraction motion and residual setup error for hypofractionated prostate intensity-modulated radiotherapy with online cone beam computed tomography …
J Adamson, Q Wu, D Yan
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 80 (2), 453-461, 2011
Single fraction stereotactic radiosurgery for multiple brain metastases
D Limon, F McSherry, J Herndon, J Sampson, P Fecci, J Adamson, ...
Advances in radiation oncology 2 (4), 555-563, 2017
Adaptive radiation therapy
CRC Press, 2011
A novel technique for VMAT QA with EPID in cine mode on a Varian TrueBeam linac
B Liu, J Adamson, A Rodrigues, F Zhou, F Yin, Q Wu
Physics in Medicine & Biology 58 (19), 6683, 2013
Prostate intrafraction motion evaluation using kV fluoroscopy during treatment delivery: a feasibility and accuracy study
J Adamson, Q Wu
Medical physics 35 (5), 1793-1806, 2008
Prostate intrafraction motion assessed by simultaneous kilovoltage fluoroscopy at megavoltage delivery I: Clinical observations and pattern analysis
J Adamson, Q Wu
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 78 (5), 1563-1570, 2010
Application of TG-218 action limits to SRS and SBRT pre-treatment patient specific QA
Y Xia, J Adamson, Y Zlateva, W Giles
Journal of Radiosurgery and SBRT 7 (2), 135, 2020
X-ray psoralen activated cancer therapy (X-PACT)
M Oldham, P Yoon, Z Fathi, WF Beyer, J Adamson, L Liu, D Alcorta, W Xia, ...
PloS one 11 (9), e0162078, 2016
Is a single isocenter sufficient for volumetric modulated arc therapy radiosurgery when multiple intracranial metastases are spatially dispersed?
J Morrison, R Hood, FF Yin, JK Salama, J Kirkpatrick, J Adamson
Medical Dosimetry 41 (4), 285-289, 2016
Tumor imaging with X-rays and other high energy sources using as contrast agents photon-emitting phosphors having therapeutic properties
H Walder, FA Bourke, Z Fathi, WF Beyer, MW Dewhirst, M Oldham, ...
US Patent 10,596,387, 2020
Measurement of the viscosity–density product using multiple reflections of ultrasonic shear horizontal waves
MS Greenwood, JD Adamson, LJ Bond
Ultrasonics 44, e1031-e1036, 2006
Comprehensive radiation and imaging isocenter verification using NIPAM kV‐CBCT dosimetry
K Pant, C Umeh, M Oldham, S Floyd, W Giles, J Adamson
Medical Physics 47 (3), 927-936, 2020
A tool for patient‐specific prediction of delivery discrepancies in machine parameters using trajectory log files
KC Chuang, W Giles, J Adamson
Medical Physics 48 (3), 978-990, 2021
Delivered dose distribution visualized directly with onboard kV-CBCT: proof of principle
J Adamson, J Carroll, M Trager, SW Yoon, J Kodra, E Maynard, M Hilts, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 103 (5), 1271-1279, 2019
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Articles 1–20