Frank Hellmann
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Lorentzian spin foam amplitudes: graphical calculus and asymptotics
JW Barrett, RJ Dowdall, WJ Fairbairn, F Hellmann, R Pereira
Classical and Quantum Gravity 27 (16), 165009, 2010
Asymptotic analysis of the Engle–Pereira–Rovelli–Livine four-simplex amplitude
JW Barrett, RJ Dowdall, WJ Fairbairn, H Gomes, F Hellmann
Journal of Mathematical Physics 50 (11), 2009
Collective nonlinear dynamics and self-organization in decentralized power grids
D Witthaut, F Hellmann, J Kurths, S Kettemann, H Meyer-Ortmanns, ...
Reviews of modern physics 94 (1), 015005, 2022
Survivability of deterministic dynamical systems
F Hellmann, P Schultz, C Grabow, J Heitzig, J Kurths
Scientific reports 6 (1), 29654, 2016
Network-induced multistability through lossy coupling and exotic solitary states
F Hellmann, P Schultz, P Jaros, R Levchenko, T Kapitaniak, J Kurths, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 592, 2020
Holonomy spin foam models: definition and coarse graining
B Bahr, B Dittrich, F Hellmann, W Kaminski
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (4), 044048, 2013
Operator spin foam models
B Bahr, F Hellmann, W Kamiński, M Kisielowski, J Lewandowski
Classical and quantum gravity 28 (10), 105003, 2011
Quantum gravity asymptotics from the SU (2) 15j-symbol
JW Barrett, WJ Fairbairn, F Hellmann
International Journal of Modern Physics A 25 (14), 2897-2916, 2010
Deciphering the imprint of topology on nonlinear dynamical network stability
J Nitzbon, P Schultz, J Heitzig, J Kurths, F Hellmann
New Journal of Physics 19 (3), 033029, 2017
Stability of synchrony against local intermittent fluctuations in tree-like power grids
S Auer, F Hellmann, M Krause, J Kurths
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 27 (12), 2017
Holonomy spin foam models: Asymptotic geometry of the partition function
F Hellmann, W Kaminski
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (10), 1-63, 2013
The impact of model detail on power grid resilience measures
S Auer, K Kleis, P Schultz, J Kurths, F Hellmann
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 225, 609-625, 2016
Asymptotics of 4d spin foam models
JW Barrett, RJ Dowdall, WJ Fairbairn, H Gomes, F Hellmann, R Pereira
General Relativity and Gravitation 43, 2421-2436, 2011
Predicting basin stability of power grids using graph neural networks
C Nauck, M Lindner, K Schürholt, H Zhang, P Schultz, J Kurths, I Isenhardt, ...
New Journal of Physics 24 (4), 043041, 2022
Multiple-event probability in general-relativistic quantum mechanics
F Hellmann, M Mondragon, A Perez, C Rovelli
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 75 (8), 084033, 2007
Asymptotic analysis of the Ponzano–Regge model for handlebodies
RJ Dowdall, H Gomes, F Hellmann
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 43 (11), 115203, 2010
Decoherence of a two-qubit system away from perfect symmetry
MJ Storcz, F Hellmann, C Hrelescu, FK Wilhelm
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (5), 052314, 2005
Stochastic basins of attraction and generalized committor functions
M Lindner, F Hellmann
Physical Review E 100 (2), 022124, 2019
PowerDynamics. jl—An experimentally validated open-source package for the dynamical analysis of power grids
A Plietzsch, R Kogler, S Auer, J Merino, A Gil-de-Muro, J Liße, C Vogel, ...
SoftwareX 17, 100861, 2022
Expansions in spin foam cosmology
F Hellmann
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (10), 103516, 2011
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Articles 1–20