Fatemeh Ahmadi
Fatemeh Ahmadi
Buein Zahra Technical University
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Protecting the entropic uncertainty lower bound in Markovian and non-Markovian environment via additional qubits
S Haseli, F Ahmadi
The European Physical Journal D 74, 1-6, 2020
Holevo bound of entropic uncertainty relation under Unruh channel in the context of open quantum systems
S Haseli, F Ahmadi
The European Physical Journal D 73, 1-5, 2019
Entangled spin states in geodesic motion around massive body
F Ahmadi, M Mehrafarin
Quantum information processing 13, 639-647, 2014
Entanglement of three-qubit spin states moving in the gravitational field of a massive body
F Ahmadi, M Mehrafarin
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 45 (48), 485302, 2012
Fidelity of two-particle wave packets moving around the Schwarzschild spacetime
BN Esfahani, M Ahmadi, F Ahmadi
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 47 (12), 3130-3138, 2008
Fidelity for States of Two Spin
BN Esfahani, F Ahmadi, M Ahmadi
Int J Theor Phys 48, 1957-1964, 2009
Entanglement of hybrid state by a constant electric field
F Ahmadi, SR Miry
Quantum Information Processing 20 (9), 301, 2021
Teleportation of the superposition of even (odd) coherent states and vacuum state
SR Miry, F Ahmadi
Quarterly Journal of Optoelectronic, 2025
Nonclassical properties of binomial state in inertial and accelerated motion
SR Miry, F Ahmadi
Journal of Research on Many-body Systems 13 (3), 69-83, 2023
Quantum Speed Limit Time of Topological Qubits Influenced by the Fermionic and Bosonic Environments
F Ahmadi, S Haseli, M Hadipour, S Heshmatian, H Dolatkhah, S Salimi
Brazilian Journal of Physics 52 (3), 85, 2022
Entanglement, QFI, and squeezing of hybrid state in the non-inertial frame
SR Miry, F Ahmadi
Journal of Interfaces, Thin Films, and Low dimensional systems 5 (2), 525-535, 2022
Electrical conductivity of anisotropic quark-gluon plasma
FA Jalil Naji, Soheila Shahrban, Sara Heshmatian
Journal of Research on Many-body Systems 10, 2020
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Articles 1–12