Henry Jay Becker
Henry Jay Becker
Professor of Education, University of California, Irvine
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Cited by
The use of vignettes in survey research
CS Alexander, HJ Becker
Public opinion quarterly 42 (1), 93-104, 1978
Findings from the teaching, learning, and computing survey
HJ Becker
Education policy analysis archives 8, 51-51, 2000
How exemplary computer-using teachers differ from other teachers: Implications for realizing the potential of computers in schools
HJ Becker
Journal of research on Computing in Education 26 (3), 291-321, 1994
Parent involvement: A survey of teacher practices
HJ Becker, JL Epstein
The elementary school Journal 83 (2), 85-102, 1982
Who's wired and who's not: Children's access to and use of computer technology
HJ Becker
The future of children, 44-75, 2000
Teachers’ views of computers as catalysts for changes in their teaching practice
SL Dexter, RE Anderson, HJ Becker
Journal of research on computing in education 31 (3), 221-239, 1999
How are teachers using computers in instruction
HJ Becker
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA, 2001
Teachers' reported practices of parent involvement: Problems and possibilities
JL Epstein, HJ Becker
The elementary school journal 83 (2), 103-113, 1982
The influence of computer and internet use on teachers’ pedagogical practices and perceptions
HJ Becker, J Ravitz
Journal of research on computing in education 31 (4), 356-384, 1999
Teacher and teacher-directed student use of computers and software
HJ Becker, JL Ravitz, Y Wong
Irvine, CA: Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations …, 1999
Internet use by teachers: Conditions of professional use and teacher-directed student use
HJ Becker
Center for Research on Information Technology and Organizations, the …, 1999
Teacher Professional Engagement and Constructivist-Compatible Computer Use. Teaching, Learning, and Computing: 1998 National Survey. Report# 7.
HJ Becker, MM Riel
For full text: http://www. crito. uci. edu/tlc/html/findings. html., 2000
How computers are used in United States schools: Basic data from the 1989 IEA computers in education survey
HJ Becker
Journal of educational computing research 7 (4), 385-406, 1991
Constructivist-Compatible Beliefs and Practices among US Teachers. Teaching, Learning, and Computing: 1998 National Survey Report# 4.
JL Ravitz, HJ Becker, Y Wong
Teaching Learning & Computing, Department of Education, University of …, 2000
Computer use by teachers: Are Cuban’s predictions correct
HJ Becker, JL Ravitz
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Seattle, WA …, 2001
Pedagogical motivations for student computer use that lead to student engagement
HJ Becker
Educational Technology 40 (5), 5-17, 2000
The beliefs, practices, and computer use of teacher leaders
M Riel, H Becker
annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, 2000
Internet use by teachers
H Becker
http://www. crito. uci. edu/TLC/Findings/Internet-use/startpage. htm, 1999
Equity in school computer use: National data and neglected considerations
HJ Becker, CW Sterling
Journal of Educational Computing Research 3 (3), 289-311, 1987
Computer-based integrated learning systems in the elementary and middle grades: A critical review and synthesis of evaluation reports
HJ Becker
Journal of Educational Computing Research 8 (1), 1-41, 1992
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Articles 1–20