Sylvia Speller
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Cited by
The threshold at which substrate nanogroove dimensions may influence fibroblast alignment and adhesion
WA Loesberg, J Te Riet, F Van Delft, P Schön, CG Figdor, S Speller, ...
Biomaterials 28 (27), 3944-3951, 2007
Macroscopic hierarchical surface patterning of porphyrin trimers via self-assembly and dewetting
R Van Hameren, P Schön, AM Van Buul, J Hoogboom, SV Lazarenko, ...
Science 314 (5804), 1433-1436, 2006
Real-time single-molecule imaging of oxidation catalysis at a liquid–solid interface
B Hulsken, R Van Hameren, JW Gerritsen, T Khoury, P Thordarson, ...
Nature nanotechnology 2 (5), 285-289, 2007
Interlaboratory round robin on cantilever calibration for AFM force spectroscopy
J Te Riet, AJ Katan, C Rankl, SW Stahl, AM van Buul, IY Phang, ...
Ultramicroscopy 111 (12), 1659-1669, 2011
Conductance of Pd-H nanojunctions
S Csonka, A Halbritter, G Mihály, OI Shklyarevskii, S Speller, ...
Physical review letters 93 (1), 016802, 2004
Detection of different oxidation states of individual manganese porphyrins during their reaction with oxygen at a solid/liquid interface
D Den Boer, M Li, T Habets, P Iavicoli, AE Rowan, RJM Nolte, S Speller, ...
Nature chemistry 5 (7), 621-627, 2013
Supramolecular porphyrin polymers in solution and at the solid− liquid interface
R van Hameren, AM van Buul, MA Castriciano, V Villari, N Micali, P Schön, ...
Nano letters 8 (1), 253-259, 2008
Size-dependent single-particle energy levels and interparticle Coulomb interactions in CdSe quantum dots measured by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
L Jdira, P Liljeroth, E Stoffels, D Vanmaekelbergh, S Speller
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (11), 115305, 2006
Fractional conductance in hydrogen-embedded gold nanowires
S Csonka, A Halbritter, G Mihály, E Jurdik, OI Shklyarevskii, S Speller, ...
Physical review letters 90 (11), 116803, 2003
Scanning probe studies of porphyrin assemblies and their supramolecular manipulation at a solid–liquid interface
JAAW Elemans, MC Lensen, JW Gerritsen, H van Kempen, S Speller, ...
Advanced Materials 15 (24), 2070-2073, 2003
Extremely strong self-assembly of a bimetallic salen complex visualized at the single-molecule level
G Salassa, MJJ Coenen, SJ Wezenberg, BLM Hendriksen, S Speller, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (16), 7186-7192, 2012
Fibril formation by triblock copolymers of silklike β-sheet polypeptides and poly (ethylene glycol)
JM Smeenk, P Schön, MBJ Otten, S Speller, HG Stunnenberg, ...
Macromolecules 39 (8), 2989-2997, 2006
Electron wave function at a vicinal surface: Switch from terrace to step modulation
JE Ortega, S Speller, AR Bachmann, A Mascaraque, EG Michel, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (26), 6110, 2000
Atomic-Size Oscillations in Conductance Histograms for Gold Nanowires and the Influence<? format?> of Work Hardening
IK Yanson, OI Shklyarevskii, S Csonka, H Van Kempen, S Speller, ...
Physical review letters 95 (25), 256806, 2005
Can scanning tunnelling spectroscopy measure the density of states of semiconductor quantum dots?
P Liljeroth, L Jdira, K Overgaag, B Grandidier, S Speller, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 8 (33), 3845-3850, 2006
Surface structures of S on Pd (111)
S Speller, T Rauch, J Bömermann, P Borrmann, W Heiland
Surface science 441 (1), 107-116, 1999
Transition from tunneling to direct contact in tungsten nanojunctions
A Halbritter, S Csonka, G Mihaly, E Jurdik, OY Kolesnychenko, ...
Physical Review B 68 (3), 035417, 2003
Manufacturing substrate nano-grooves for studying cell alignment and adhesion
F Van Delft, FC Van Den Heuvel, WA Loesberg, J Te Riet, P Schön, ...
Microelectronic Engineering 85 (5-6), 1362-1366, 2008
Distinct kinetic and mechanical properties govern ALCAM-mediated interactions as shown by single-molecule force spectroscopy
J Te Riet, AW Zimmerman, A Cambi, B Joosten, S Speller, R Torensma, ...
Journal of Cell Science 120 (22), 3965-3976, 2007
Synthesis and self-assembly of giant porphyrin discs
MC Lensen, SJT Van Dingenen, JAAW Elemans, HP Dijkstra, ...
Chemical Communications, 762-763, 2004
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Articles 1–20