Hassan Badr
Hassan Badr
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Time-dependent viscous flow past an impulsively started rotating and translating circular cylinder
HM Badr, SCR Dennis
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 158, 447-488, 1985
Unsteady flow past a rotating circular cylinder at Reynolds numbers 103 and 104
HM Badr, M Coutanceau, SCR Dennis, C Menard
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 220, 459-484, 1990
Effective pipe-to-borehole thermal resistance for vertical ground heat exchangers
MH Sharqawy, EM Mokheimer, HM Badr
Geothermics 38 (2), 271-277, 2009
A review of recent developments in carbon capture utilizing oxy‐fuel combustion in conventional and ion transport membrane systems
MA Habib, HM Badr, SF Ahmed, R Ben‐Mansour, K Mezghani, ...
International Journal of Energy Research 35 (9), 741-764, 2011
Laminar combined convection from a horizontal cylinder—parallel and contra flow regimes
HM Badr
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 27 (1), 15-27, 1984
Steady and unsteady flow past a rotating circular cylinder at low Reynolds numbers
HM Badr, SCR Dennis, PJS Young
Computers & Fluids 17 (4), 579-609, 1989
Oxy‐fuel combustion technology: current status, applications, and trends
MA Nemitallah, MA Habib, HM Badr, SA Said, A Jamal, R Ben‐Mansour, ...
International Journal of Energy Research 41 (12), 1670-1708, 2017
A theoretical study of laminar mixed convection from a horizontal cylinder in a cross stream
HM Badr
International journal of heat and mass transfer 26 (5), 639-653, 1983
First in situ determination of the ground thermal conductivity for boreholeheat exchanger applications in Saudi Arabia
MH Sharqawy, SA Said, EM Mokheimer, MA Habib, HM Badr, ...
Renewable Energy 34 (10), 2218-2223, 2009
Energy, exergy and uncertainty analyses of the thermal response test for a ground heat exchanger
MH Sharqawy, EM Mokheimer, MA Habib, HM Badr, SA Said, ...
International Journal of Energy Research 33 (6), 582-592, 2009
Numerical investigation of erosion threshold velocity in a pipe with sudden contraction
HM Badr, MA Habib, R Ben-Mansour, SAM Said
Computers & fluids 34 (6), 721-742, 2005
Forced convection from a rotationally oscillating cylinder placed in a uniform stream
FM Mahfouz, HM Badr
International journal of heat and mass transfer 43 (17), 3093-3104, 2000
Flow structure in the wake of a rotationally oscillating cylinder
FM Mahfouz, HM Badr
J. Fluids Eng. 122 (2), 290-301, 2000
Laminar forced convection from a rotating cylinder
HM Badr, SCR Dennis
International journal of heat and mass transfer 28 (1), 253-264, 1985
Air injection methods: The key to a better performance of airlift pumps
WH Ahmed, AM Aman, HM Badr, AM Al-Qutub
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 70, 354-365, 2016
Erosion rate correlations of a pipe protruded in an abrupt pipe contraction
MA Habib, HM Badr, R Ben-Mansour, ME Kabir
International journal of impact engineering 34 (8), 1350-1369, 2007
Laminar natural convection from an elliptic tube with different orientations
HM Badr
GJ la O’, Y. Shao-Horn, ND Mancini, A. Mitsos, P. Kirchen and AF Ghoneim
MA Habib, HM Badr, SF Ahmed, R Ben-Mansour, K Mezghani, ...
Int. J. Energy Res 35, 741-764, 2011
Combined convection from an isothermal horizontal rod buried in a porous medium
HM Badr, I Pop
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 31 (12), 2527-2541, 1988
Numerical simulation of the unsteady flow over an elliptic cylinder at different orientations
HM Badr, SCR Dennis, S Kocabiyik
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 37 (8), 905-931, 2001
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Articles 1–20