Pitthaya Jamsawang
Pitthaya Jamsawang
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Cited by
Strength behavior and microstructural characteristics of soft clay stabilized with cement kiln dust and fly ash residue
N Yoobanpot, P Jamsawang, S Horpibulsuk
Applied Clay Science 141, 146-156, 2017
Use of steel and polypropylene fibers to improve flexural performance of deep soil–cement column
P Sukontasukkul, P Jamsawang
Construction and Building Materials 29, 201-205, 2012
Three-dimensional numerical analysis of a DCM column-supported highway embankment
P Jamsawang, N Yoobanpot, N Thanasisathit, P Voottipruex, ...
Computers and Geotechnics 72, 42-56, 2016
Numerical simulations and parametric study of SDCM and DCM piles under full scale axial and lateral loads
P Voottipruex, T Suksawat, DT Bergado, P Jamsawang
Computers and Geotechnics 38 (3), 318-329, 2011
Improvement of soft clay with cement and bagasse ash waste
P Jamsawang, H Poorahong, N Yoobanpot, S Songpiriyakij, ...
Construction and building materials 154, 61-71, 2017
Behavior and simulation of deep cement mixing (DCM) and stiffened deep cement mixing (SDCM) piles under full scale loading
P Voottipruex, DT Bergado, T Suksawat, P Jamsawang, W Cheang
Soils and Foundations 51 (2), 307-320, 2011
Multiscale laboratory investigation of the mechanical and microstructural properties of dredged sediments stabilized with cement and fly ash
N Yoobanpot, P Jamsawang, H Poorahong, P Jongpradist, ...
Engineering Geology 267, 105491, 2020
Three-dimensional numerical investigation on lateral movement and factor of safety of slopes stabilized with deep cement mixing column rows
P Jamsawang, P Voottipruex, P Boathong, W Mairaing, S Horpibulsuk
Engineering Geology 188, 159-167, 2015
Efficiency of rice husk ash as cementitious material in high‐strength cement‐admixed clay
P Jongpradist, W Homtragoon, R Sukkarak, W Kongkitkul, P Jamsawang
Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 (1), 8346319, 2018
Sustainable reuse of dredged sediments as pavement materials by cement and fly ash stabilization
N Yoobanpot, P Jamsawang, P Simarat, P Jongpradist, S Likitlersuang
Journal of Soils and Sediments 20, 3807-3823, 2020
Flexural strength characteristics of compacted cement-polypropylene fiber sand
P Jamsawang, P Voottipruex, S Horpibulsuk
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 27 (9), 04014243, 2015
Mechanical and microstructural properties of dredged sediments treated with cement and fly ash for use as road materials
P Jamsawang, S Charoensil, T Namjan, P Jongpradist, S Likitlersuang
Road Materials and Pavement Design 22 (11), 2498-2522, 2021
Bearing capacity and failure behaviors of floating stiffened deep cement mixing columns under axial load
A Wonglert, P Jongpradist, P Jamsawang, S Larsson
Soils and Foundations 58 (2), 446-461, 2018
Dependence of ultimate bearing capacity and failure behavior of T-shaped deep cement mixing piles on enlarged cap shape and pile strength
C Phutthananon, P Jongpradist, P Yensri, P Jamsawang
Computers and Geotechnics 97, 27-41, 2018
Numerical analysis of lateral movements and strut forces in deep cement mixing walls with top-down construction in soft clay
P Jamsawang, S Jamnam, P Jongpradist, P Tanseng, S Horpibulsuk
Computers and Geotechnics 88, 174-181, 2017
Effectiveness of deep cement mixing walls with top-down construction for deep excavations in soft clay: case study and 3D simulation
P Jamsawang, P Voottipruex, P Tanseng, P Jongpradist, DT Bergado
Acta Geotechnica 14, 225-246, 2019
Parameters affecting the lateral movements of compound deep cement mixing walls by numerical simulations and parametric analyses
P Jamsawang, P Voottipruex, P Jongpradist, DT Bergado
Acta Geotechnica 10, 797-812, 2015
Laboratory investigations on the swelling behavior of composite expansive clays stabilized with shallow and deep clay-cement mixing methods
P Jamsawang, N Nuansrithong, P Voottipruex, S Songpiriyakij, ...
Applied Clay Science 148, 83-94, 2017
Comparative flexural performance of compacted cement-fiber-sand
P Jamsawang, T Suansomjeen, P Sukontasukkul, P Jongpradist, ...
Geotextiles and Geomembranes 46 (4), 414-425, 2018
Mechanical properties and microstructures of stabilised dredged expansive soil from coal mine
T Chompoorat, S Likitlersuang, S Sitthiawiruth, V Komolvilas, ...
Geomechanics and Engineering 25 (2), 143-157, 2021
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Articles 1–20