Multimessenger observations of a flaring blazar coincident with high-energy neutrino IceCube-170922A IceCube Collaboration, MAGIC, AGILE, ASAS-SN, HAWC, HESS, ... Science 361 (6398), eaat1378, 2018 | 880 | 2018 |
Statistics of 207 Lyα emitters at a redshift near 7: constraints on reionization and galaxy formation models M Ouchi, K Shimasaku, H Furusawa, T Saito, M Yoshida, M Akiyama, ... The Astrophysical Journal 723 (1), 869, 2010 | 871 | 2010 |
The Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS). IV. Evolution of Lyα emitters from z= 3.1 to 5.7 in the 1 deg2 field: luminosity functions and AGN M Ouchi, K Shimasaku, M Akiyama, C Simpson, T Saito, Y Ueda, ... The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 176 (2), 301, 2008 | 799 | 2008 |
High dispersion spectrograph (HDS) for the Subaru telescope K Noguchi, W Aoki, S Kawanomoto, H Ando, S Honda, H Izumiura, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 54 (6), 855-864, 2002 | 415 | 2002 |
The Subaru/XMM-Newton deep survey (SXDS). II. Optical imaging and photometric catalogs H Furusawa, G Kosugi, M Akiyama, T Takata, K Sekiguchi, I Tanaka, ... The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 176 (1), 1, 2008 | 407 | 2008 |
FOCAS: the faint object camera and spectrograph for the Subaru telescope N Kashikawa, K Aoki, R Asai, N Ebizuka, M Inata, M Iye, KS Kawabata, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 54 (6), 819-832, 2002 | 396 | 2002 |
Kilonova from post-merger ejecta as an optical and near-Infrared counterpart of GW170817 M Tanaka, Y Utsumi, PA Mazzali, N Tominaga, M Yoshida, Y Sekiguchi, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 69 (6), 102, 2017 | 365 | 2017 |
The SUBARU deep field project: Lymanα emitters at a redshift of 6.6 Y Taniguchi, M Ajiki, T Nagao, Y Shioya, T Murayama, N Kashikawa, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 57 (1), 165-182, 2005 | 365 | 2005 |
The discovery of primeval large-scale structures with forming clusters at redshift 6 M Ouchi, K Shimasaku, M Akiyama, K Sekiguchi, H Furusawa, S Okamura, ... The Astrophysical Journal 620 (1), L1, 2005 | 320 | 2005 |
Supplement:“localization and broadband follow-up of the gravitational-wave transient GW150914”(2016, ApJL, 826, L13) BP Abbott, R Abbott, TD Abbott, MR Abernathy, F Acernese, K Ackley, ... The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 225 (1), 8, 2016 | 309 | 2016 |
The discovery of two Lyman α emitters beyond redshift 6 in the Subaru Deep Field K Kodaira, Y Taniguchi, N Kashikawa, N Kaifu, H Ando, H Karoji, M Ajiki, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 55 (2), L17-L21, 2003 | 296 | 2003 |
J-GEM observations of an electromagnetic counterpart to the neutron star merger GW170817 Y Utsumi, M Tanaka, N Tominaga, M Yoshida, S Barway, T Nagayama, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 69 (6), 101, 2017 | 245 | 2017 |
Down-sizing in galaxy formation at z ∼ 1 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) T Kodama, T Yamada, M Akiyama, K Aoki, M Doi, H Furusawa, T Fuse, ... Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 350 (3), 1005-1014, 2004 | 241 | 2004 |
Rapid variability of blazar 3C 279 during flaring states in 2013− 2014 with joint Fermi-LAT, NuSTAR, Swift, and ground-based multi-wavelength observations M Hayashida, K Nalewajko, GM Madejski, M Sikora, R Itoh, M Ajello, ... The Astrophysical Journal 807 (1), 79, 2015 | 230 | 2015 |
A planetary companion to the hyades giant ϵ tauri B Sato, H Izumiura, E Toyota, E Kambe, Y Takeda, S Masuda, M Omiya, ... The Astrophysical Journal 661 (1), 527, 2007 | 211 | 2007 |
A dozen new galaxies caught in the act: gas stripping and extended emission line regions in the coma cluster M Yagi, M Yoshida, Y Komiyama, N Kashikawa, H Furusawa, S Okamura, ... The Astronomical Journal 140 (6), 1814, 2010 | 209 | 2010 |
Early phase observations of extremely luminous Type Ia Supernova 2009dc M Yamanaka, KS Kawabata, K Kinugasa, M Tanaka, A Imada, K Maeda, ... The Astrophysical Journal 707 (2), L118, 2009 | 206 | 2009 |
Discovery of a giant Lyα emitter near the reionization epoch M Ouchi, Y Ono, E Egami, T Saito, M Oguri, PJ McCarthy, D Farrah, ... The Astrophysical Journal 696 (2), 1164, 2009 | 196 | 2009 |
Breast cancer incidence according to weight and height in two cities of the Netherlands and in Aichi prefecture, Japan F De Waard, JP Cornelis, K Aoki, M Yoshida Cancer 40 (3), 1269-1275, 1977 | 196 | 1977 |
Photopolarimetric monitoring of blazars in the optical and near-infrared bands with the Kanata telescope. I. Correlations between flux, color, and polarization Y Ikejiri, M Uemura, M Sasada, R Ito, M Yamanaka, K Sakimoto, A Arai, ... Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 63 (3), 639-675, 2011 | 195 | 2011 |