Articles with public access mandates - Ahmed ElbeltagiLearn more
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Methods to estimate evapotranspiration in humid and subtropical climate conditions
DK Vishwakarma, K Pandey, A Kaur, NL Kushwaha, R Kumar, R Ali, ...
Agricultural Water Management 261, 107378, 2022
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Application of stacking hybrid machine learning algorithms in delineating multi-type flooding in Bangladesh
M Rahman, N Chen, A Elbeltagi, MM Islam, M Alam, HR Pourghasemi, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 295, 113086, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Soil erosion susceptibility mapping using ensemble machine learning models: A case study of upper Congo river sub-basin
LC Kulimushi, JB Bashagaluke, P Prasad, AB Heri-Kazi, NL Kushwaha, ...
Catena 222, 106858, 2023
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Combination of discretization regression with data-driven algorithms for modeling irrigation water quality indices
PK Singh, J Rajput, D Kumar, V Gaddikeri, A Elbeltagi
Ecological Informatics 75, 102093, 2023
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Evaluation of data-driven hybrid machine learning algorithms for modelling daily reference evapotranspiration
NL Kushwaha, J Rajput, DR Sena, A Elbeltagi, DK Singh, I Mani
Atmosphere-Ocean 60 (5), 519-540, 2022
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Estimation of the rice water footprint based on machine learning algorithms
A Mokhtar, A Elbeltagi, S Maroufpoor, N Azad, H He, K Alsafadi, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 191, 106501, 2021
Mandates: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Available somewhere: 32
Estimation of SPEI meteorological drought using machine learning algorithms
A Mokhtar, M Jalali, H He, N Al-Ansari, A Elbeltagi, K Alsafadi, HG Abdo, ...
IEEe Access 9, 65503-65523, 2021
Mandates: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Assessing the impacts of agricultural drought (SPI/SPEI) on maize and wheat yields across Hungary
S Mohammed, K Alsafadi, GO Enaruvbe, B Bashir, A Elbeltagi, A Széles, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 8838, 2022
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Landslide susceptibility mapping with deep learning algorithms
JM Habumugisha, N Chen, M Rahman, MM Islam, H Ahmad, A Elbeltagi, ...
Sustainability 14 (3), 1734, 2022
Mandates: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
An integrated statistical-machine learning approach for runoff prediction
AK Singh, P Kumar, R Ali, N Al-Ansari, DK Vishwakarma, KS Kushwaha, ...
Sustainability 14 (13), 8209, 2022
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Data-driven models for predicting solar radiation in semi-arid regions
M Jamei, N Bailek, K Bouchouicha, MA Hassan, A Elbeltagi, A Kuriqi, ...
Computers, Materials and Continua 74 (1), 1625-1640, 2023
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Modelling daily reference evapotranspiration based on stacking hybridization of ANN with meta-heuristic algorithms under diverse agro-climatic conditions
A Elbeltagi, NL Kushwaha, J Rajput, DK Vishwakarma, LC Kulimushi, ...
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 36 (10), 3311-3334, 2022
Mandates: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Combination of limited meteorological data for predicting reference crop evapotranspiration using artificial neural network method
A Elbeltagi, A Nagy, S Mohammed, CB Pande, M Kumar, SA Bhat, ...
Agronomy 12 (2), 516, 2022
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Novel ensemble forecasting of streamflow using locally weighted learning algorithm
RM Adnan, A Jaafari, A Mohanavelu, O Kisi, A Elbeltagi
Sustainability 13 (11), 5877, 2021
Mandates: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Assessment of climate change impact on snowmelt runoff in Himalayan region
R Kumar, S Manzoor, DK Vishwakarma, N Al-Ansari, NL Kushwaha, ...
Sustainability 14 (3), 1150, 2022
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
A comparative analysis of data mining techniques for agricultural and hydrological drought prediction in the eastern Mediterranean
S Mohammed, A Elbeltagi, B Bashir, K Alsafadi, F Alsilibe, A Alsalman, ...
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 197, 106925, 2022
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Water spread mapping of multiple lakes using remote sensing and satellite data
V Deoli, D Kumar, M Kumar, A Kuriqi, A Elbeltagi
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14, 1-15, 2021
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Pre-and post-dam river water temperature alteration prediction using advanced machine learning models
DK Vishwakarma, R Ali, SA Bhat, A Elbeltagi, NL Kushwaha, R Kumar, ...
environmental science and pollution research, 2022
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Modeling stage–discharge–sediment using support vector machine and artificial neural network coupled with wavelet transform
M Kumar, P Kumar, A Kumar, A Elbeltagi, A Kuriqi
Applied Water Science 12 (5), 87, 2022
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Cost-effective management measures for coastal aquifers affected by saltwater intrusion and climate change
I Abd-Elaty, NL Kushwaha, ME Grismer, A Elbeltagi, A Kuriqi
Science of The Total Environment 836, 155656, 2022
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
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